Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB® Introduction and goals for today
Workshop Goals Establish a community of practice invested in teaching computation that supports student learning Effectively incorporate high-impact practices into introductory thru advanced courses Recognize and make use of strategies that are inclusive of all students Leave here ready to use the backward design process to (re)design a course or activity Following 8 slides taken from Anne Egger, Sean Tvelia, Karen Viskupic during a NAGT course design workshop.
All freely downloadable from the National Academies Press: Research on learning Collected research on learning All freely downloadable from the National Academies Press: http://nap.edu
Key findings Students come in to our classes with preconceptions, not blank slates Students must have the opportunity to develop a conceptual framework that facilitates retrieval and builds on deep knowledge A metacognitive approach helps students monitor their own learning and become better learners Promising practices: Developing (and using) learning outcomes Engaging students in activities during class, in groups Organizing content in scenarios, with context Getting and giving feedback through formative assessment
If you could choose one thing… NAGT-TWP Course Design Workshop 23 October 2015 If you could choose one thing… What would you want students to remember from your course in (5, 10, 20) years? How do we design courses that facilitate this process?
NAGT-TWP Course Design Workshop 23 October 2015 Course Design “Traditional” = instructor-centered Typical syllabus Week 1: Chapter 1 Week 2: Chapter 2 … Typically graded based on 1-2 midterms Final List Course Topics Design Instruction Design Exams/Papers Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design .Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Wiggins and McTighe (1998)
NAGT-TWP Course Design Workshop 23 October 2015 Course Design “Backward” = learner-centered Identify outcomes: what you want students to know and be able to do Figure out how you will know that they know Design activities that help them succeed Typical syllabus Learning goals Organization of course … Typically graded based on Weekly assignments Projects Wiggins and McTighe (1998)
NAGT-TWP Course Design Workshop 23 October 2015 Backward Design Identify Desired Results Determine Acceptable Evidence Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Wiggins and McTighe (1998)
Backward Design Identify desired results learning goals/outcomes Enduring understandings: that one thing… Course-level outcomes: aspirational and substantial Unit-level outcomes: achievable and measurable Goals should “bundle up” Determine acceptable evidence assessment Consider a wide range of assessments Align assessments to learning outcomes Plan learning experiences Use instructional strategies that foster engagement Design activities that give students practice
Some enduring goals Enduring understanding: What do you want your students to remember 5 to 10 years from now? Example from GEOS 357 Computation for Geoscientists Overview Processing data and developing quantitative models are critical skills for scientists and engineers. …The goal of this course is to empower the learner to use computational tools to address geoscience problems, as well as to use computers as a tool for scientific inquiry…. We need to be able to perform calculations, analyze and visualize data, and create numerical models to more deeply understand complex systems. This course will cover the basics of computational thinking and put the associated skills and practices in the context of solving geoscience problems. Example from GEOL 360 Structural Geology (Anne Eager) Overview …A critical skill for structural geologists is 3-dimensional thinking, including the ability to visualize complex, 3-dimensional structures from sparse data. And really, 4-dimensional thinking: how these structures develop and change over time.
Some course outcomes Course-level outcomes: What should your students know and be able to do by the end of the course? Example from GEOS 357 Computation for Geoscientists By the end of this course, you will be able to… Apply… Analyze and interpret quantitative and qualitative data to address questions about relevant Earth science concepts Articulate... Find and utilize a variety of computational resources to study Earth science processes
Some unit outcomes Unit-level outcomes: What should your students know and be able to do (and show you they can do it) by the end of an activity? Example from GEOL 357 Computation for Geoscientists 1: Computational concepts Define logical operators and relational operators, giving examples from the Earth science data. implement different loops with the proper exit strategy use loops to do repetitive tasks …. 2: Tools for Earth science visualization Appropriately use vector and raster graphic formats to display different types of geoscientific data … Over 10 weeks, these “bundle up” into: Analyze, interpret, and visualize quantitative and qualitative data to address questions about relevant Earth science concepts and processes.
Backward Design Identify desired results learning goals Enduring understandings: that one thing… Course-level goals: aspirational and substantial Unit-level goals: achievable and measurable Goals should “bundle up” Determine acceptable evidence assessment Consider a wide range of assessments Align assessments to learning outcomes Plan learning experiences Use instructional strategies that foster engagement Design activities that give students practice Now! Shortly Later
Table Discussions: Cross-disciplinary learning outcomes On your own: (5 minutes) Come up with: one enduring understanding - What do you want students to remember 5, 10, or 20 years after your course? one course-level outcome - What should students know and be able to do at the end of your course? one unit-level outcome - What should students know and be able to do at the end of an activity? At your table: (until 9:30) What are the overarching computational learning goals in your courses? What computational learning goals are shared across the disciplines at your table?
Make sure to capture your conversation Step 1: Go to the workshop program Step 2: Click on Table discussion session reporting pages Step 3: Click on your table number Step 3: (one person – please identify a recorder) Click “Show editing controls” (upper right, red box) Click “Edit this page” (top green box) Click anywhere in the text to start typing Make sure to ”Save” regularly