Financial Improvement Collaborative Thursday May 21, 2015 FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Thursday May 21, 2015
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Agenda: Welcome Upcoming Events Education Update: “HIPAA and EMTALA: Compliance Updates” presented by HomeTown Health Managing Director, Kathy Whitmire
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Upcoming Events Financial Improvement Collaborative Webinar: “501r and Your Community Health Needs Assessment” Presented by: Eddie Phillips, CPA, Draffin & Tucker Thursday June 18,2015 11:00 am EDT / 10:00 am EDT -The third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am EST / EDT and 10:00 am CST / CDT
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Upcoming Events Medicare Update Webinar: Wednesday June 10, 2015 10:00 am EDT / 9:00 am EDT The Second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am EDT/EST
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Upcoming Events Medicaid Managed Care Webinar: Wednesday May 27, 2015 11:00 am EDT / 10:00 am EDT The third Wednesday of each month at 11:00 am EDT / EST
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative HTHU Education Update: FLEX FY 13-14 100% Participation (with at least 1 representative from each of the 13 CAHs registering for HTHU courses) 85% Engaged with certifications 250+ Completed Courses during the FY 13-14 Year Goal for 14-15 Every registered staff member receive at least 3 hours of education through the HTHU School of Revenue Cycle Management
‘Sustaining a Financially Healthy Critical Access Hospital’ FLEX Workshops Monday June 15th Lake Buena Vista Holiday Inn at Downtown Disney Session I: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm ‘Sustaining a Financially Healthy Critical Access Hospital’ - Becky Tarr, RN, CPA of MedPerformance, LLC; Medicare Expert, Dale Gibson & HomeTown Health Managing Director, Kathy Whitmire Session II: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm ‘Using Interqual to Improve Care and Patient Outcomes in Critical Access Hospitals’ Dena Heyman, RN, Interqual Instructor
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Monthly Collaborative Call Schedule: The third Thursday of each month at 11:00 am EST / EDT and 10:00 am CST / CDT October 16, 2014 November 20, 2014 December 18, 2014 January 15, 2015 February 19, 2015 March 19, 2015 April 16, 2015 May 21, 2015 June 18, 2015 July 16, 2015 August 20, 2015
FLEX FY 14-15 Financial Improvement Collaborative Revenue Cycle Education promo code: FLEX Visit For new users, click on the blue REGISTER FOR FREE button on top right corner. Create a Username/Passoword and complete the HTHU orientation course. Click on Course Catalog Tab. If you already have an HTHU account, click the blue LOGIN button. Click on Course Catalog Tab. Click on the School of Revenue Cycle Management. Click on the course/certification title of choice. Click "Enroll.“ PATIENT ACCESS BILLING CROSS TRAINING For Financial Counselors: Financial Counselor Certification and 2014 Recertification For All Staff: Certified Healthcare Hospitality Certification & 2014 Recertification …As well as over 90 courses in the School of Revenue Cycle Management!
Kathy Whitmire, Managing Director THANK YOU! Questions? Evelyn Leadbetter 706-344-9634 Susannah Cowart 229-881-4445 Kathy Whitmire, Managing Director 706-491-3493