In your Interactive Notebook: Unit In your Interactive Notebook: Unit.Day 4– Day 1 Gov’t & the Economy: Public & Private Sectors ON YOUR DESK: 1) 2) Interactive NB 3) Completed Study guide WARM UP Give examples of things that are PUBLIC and things that are PRIVATE. What is the difference between something public and something private? Today’s OBJECTIVE(S) -- WRITE THESE DOWN: I can distinguish between the public and private sectors of the economy and provide examples of each
Updates & Deadlines KEY DATES: RE: Tutoring is REQUIRED if your grade is below an 80% KEY DATES: ACECES paragraphs for this Unit (see study guide) Due Friday, Nov. 22nd: What are the ideological and policy differences between the major political parties? Due Thursday, December 5th: Using two specific examples, write a paragraph that describes how American Politics work? Political Party Project: Dec 4th – Dec 9th Unit 4 Exam: Tuesday, December 10th 2nd Quarter Persuasive Essay Project: 1st Draft Due: Fri., Dec. 13th; Final copy due 12/20
In the News Presentations
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public or Private?
Public Sector vs. Private Sector Owned by an individual or group of people (usually) for profit Public Sector owned or controlled by the government (local, state, or national) Not for profit Provides a public service
Private Sector Businesses Grocery store Taxi company Starbucks Music labels Many private companies are open to the public; but they are still privately owned and operated
Public Sector includes Local, state, and federal budget items Tax incentives Federal grants
Public or Private? In groups of 3, organize the cards into two piles – one for public, and one for private
Public or Private? Complete the handout. When done: complete Day 1 of our Unit 4 study guide. If time: Reading on Capitalism and Free Enterprise (Civics Today, Chapter 19, Section 3)
End of Class Quiz Give two examples of your own private property. Why is some property public? Why are public areas such as the Southpoint mall still part of the “private sector”?