Activities of the OIE Representation for Asia and the Pacific First Meeting of Heads of Veterinary and Animal Production Services Nadi, Fiji 28 November -2 December 2005 T. Fujita OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific
Major priority areas of activities OIE Tokyo (1) OIE-Japan Trust Fund To meet Member Countries’ requests for Regional functions Major areas of activities being consulted; <Annual Work Plans being reported to the Regional Commission Meeting, Paris, in May every year>
Major priority areas of activities of OIE, Tokyo (2) (1) Improvement of animal health information systems (Collection and dissemination, now New information Systems, etc.) (2) Support control of FMD (Information & Meetings/Workshops) (3) Prevention and Control of Emerging Diseases (Meetings, Workshops and Expert Services) (4) Avian Influenza control (Meetings for Policies, Capacity building, Scientific matters, etc.)
Major areas of activities of OIE, Tokyo (3) (5) Permanent Secretariat of the GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee for Asia and the Pacific (1st Meeting in Tokyo, March 2005) (6) BSE (TSEs) prevention and control; Meetings and Training for Laboratory diagnosis and surveillance (7) Standardization of veterinary medicinal products in harmonization of control methods and techniques (VICH and veterinary vaccines)
Major areas of activities of OIE, Tokyo (4) (8) Control of Aquatic Animal Diseases (Meetings and Workshops on Laboratory Diagnosis/Surveillance Techniques) (9) Food Safety (also Feed safety, Codex, HCCAP) (10) Training Programme for Newly assigned CVOs and Trainors’ Training
Animal Health Information Systems 1. Information as the base of animal health activities 2. OIE Tokyo – collection and dissemination of Information of FMD (monthly) and other diseases including Aquatic animal diseases (quarterly and yearly) – hard copies and web-site 3. Emphasis on Animal Health Information Systems (Disease information Animal Health information; e.g. Disease control systems, Strengthening VS); 4. New Animal Health Information Systems 5. Workshop on New Animal Health Information Systems in Vientiane, Laos, September 2005.
FMD Control Collection and Dissemination of FMD information in Asia and the Pacific (monthly basis) Support OIE-SEAFMD control campaign including Animal Movement Management (working group meetings in S.E. Asia) FMD Control Meeting for East Asia; 1st meeting in Tokyo 2000 and 3rd Meeting in Taipei China in 2004
Emerging Diseases (1) 1. The importance of Emerging Diseases increasingly recognized with globalization (rapid increase of international movement of humans, animals & animal products), increase of human populations, changing farming systems, adaptation of micro-organisms, etc. 2. Special emphasis on prevention & control of, and public awareness and preparedness of Emerging diseases (many of them zoonoses) in the Region * 80% of animal pathogens are multi-host * 75% of emerging diseases are zoonotic * Nearly all new human diseases orignate from animal reservoirs
Emerging Diseases (2) 3. Workshops to provide updated information and for preparedness - OIE co-organized KHVD meeting in Yokohama, Japan, 2004 - Participating in Meetings on Emerging Diseases (such as in Seoul RO Korea, Kuala Lumpur, Bali and Jakarta, Indonesia) - OIE co-organized Meetings on Avian Influenza control in Asian countries and European countries, 2004/2005 - Participation in meetings on Emerging Diseases organized by various international/regional organizations, in 2004 and 2005 4. Emerging Diseases: Priority areas and Regional Alliance/Consolidation (esp. for Zoonosis; to protect industry, poor farmers, marketing people and consumers, and to reduce risks to humans at source, etc.)
BSE Prevention & Control (1) Cases in Asia (UK to others) The latest BSE Meetings/Workshops on 1. Updated information on BSE and TSE (some changes in member countries from the first to the latest meeting) 2. Diagnosis and Surveillance for laboratory staff (every year) 3. Risk Analysis (Forum) for CVOs from all MCs
BSE Prevention & Control (2) 4. Meeting for Public Awareness (for Veterinary Professionals, Policy makers, Livestock producers and the Public including consumers, and Information papers provided for those targeted groups; to be translated into local languages) 5. BSE Laboratory Diagnosis a) ELISA and IHC in Bangkok in Aug. 2005 b) Western Blot in Japan in Nov.- Dec. 2005 (in collaboration with OIE BSE Reference Laboratory, Tsukuba Science City, Japan)
WTO-SPS Agreement WTO-SPS matters important for all member countries Workshops: implemented by OIE Tokyo in collaboration with FAO-APHCA on WTO-SPS Agreement; the latest (4th) Workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand in July 2005 Join the WTO’s Workshop on SPS Agreement (Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc.)
Veterinary Drugs Harmonization Standardization of veterinary drugs (including vaccines) to be promoted by sharing information on legislation of veterinary medicinal products VICH Meetings in Asia FMD Vaccine workshop in Bangkok, 2004 Vaccine quality meeting in future
Aquatic Animal Diseases Collection of disease information in collaboration with NACA (Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific) OIE-SEAFDEC-FRA-MAFF; KHVD control, Yokohama, Japan OIE-SEAFDEC Hands-on Training Workshop on Important Viral Diseases of Shrimp and Marine Fish, Iloilo, Philippines, November 2005 (SEAFDEC; South East Asia Fisheries Development Centre)
Challenges (1) Further improvement of animal health information systems (Animal Health Information Animal Disease Information, esp. OIE Tokyo web-site) for Regional activities Further Development of Regional Strategies and Capacity Building of Veterinary Services in various areas including supports to animal health policy development
Challenge (2) Further Development of Strategies and Capacity Building on Avian Influenza, FMD, CSF & other TADs control with more systematic measures, under the Programme of GF-TADs (FAO-OIE Global Framework of progressive control of Transboundary Animal Diseases) OIE Tokyo – Permanent Secretariat of GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee for Asia and the Pacific 1st Regional Steering Committee held in Tokyo, Japan, March 2005
Challenge (3) Further strengthen Regional Alliance for maintenance and further improvement of animal health situation (supporting farmers in producing healthy and sanitary livestock products and to protect human health) -To cope with Regional animal disease conditions (e.g. tackling against some specific diseases such as AI) More active collaboration of OIE expert services
Challenges (4) Food Safety: - Animal production food safety at farm level and pre-slaughter, to reduce food-borne risks to human health, Codex, HACCP in collaboration with FAO-APHCA within the framework of WTO-SPS; ex. Chiang Mai meetings, - OIE/FAO-APHCA meeting on Food and Feed Safety for Asia and the Pacific, July 2004 - 2nd Meeting on Food and Feed Safety, probably early 2006
Challenges (5) Animal Welfare: - OIE to take the lead role in animal - OIE Guidelines in terms of conditions under which animals are transported, slaughtered for human consumption or killed for disease control purposes - OIE Tokyo to support outcomes of the above and also support to requests on this from MCs in the Region
Thank you for your attention!! OIE Tokyo