Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (S typhimurium) TML invades human terminal ileal epithelial tissue. Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium (S typhimurium) TML invades human terminal ileal epithelial tissue. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of human terminal ileal epithelial tissue incubated by in vitro organ culture (IVOC) for eight hours without addition of any bacteria (A) revealed epithelial cells exhibiting at their apical surface both ordered microvilli (MV) and a glycocalyx layer (G) (A, inset image) covering the tips of the microvilli. TEM analysis of human terminal ileal epithelial tissue incubated by IVOC for eight hours with S typhimurium TML (bar = 1 μm) (B) revealed the presence of intracellular bacteria contained within endocytic vesicles (white arrow) adjacent to areas of microvillous damage and possible membrane ruffling (MR). Bar = 1 μm. A Haque et al. Gut 2004;53:1424-1430 Copyright © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & British Society of Gastroenterology. All rights reserved.