The Colonies Come of Age


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Presentation transcript:

The Colonies Come of Age

Writing Prompt (1.3) Describe a time when you challenged authority. Describe the events that let you to challenge that person’s authority. How did the authority figure respond. OR Describe a time you witnessed somebody challenging authority. Why do you think they took the actions that they did? What was the result?

I. The Enlightenment A. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that began in Europe and spread throughout the colonies -philosophers valued reason and the scientific method.

II. The Great Awakening The Puritans started losing their influence in New England. A series of religious revivals swept through the colonies The movement restored many peoples Christian faith but it also challenged the authority of established churches.

III. Effects Although the Great Awakening emphasized emotionalism and the Enlightenment emphasized reason, the two movements had similar consequences. Both caused people to question traditional authority and helped colonist to question Britain's authority over them.

V. The French and Indian War France and Britain were rivals for an Empire in North America. -A clash over the Ohio river valley set off the war

B. England wins the war and claimed virtually all of North America East of the Mississippi. C. To avoid further costly conflicts with Native Americans, the British government prohibited colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains in the proclamation of 1763.

VI. How Will England pay for the war? The Sugar Act- enforcement of the tax on sugar imported to the colonies The Stamp Act- Requires that all documents have a stamp to prove a tax was paid. The colonist felt that Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies because the colonies were not represented in parliament. The colonist responded by boycotting British goods.