Beech Class Class Teacher: Mrs Lambert Class LSA: Mrs Mixture LSA 1:1: Mrs Turner Mrs Sparrow
What we will be going over… School Day Arrivals P.E. Behaviour. Reading Homework. Ways you can help your child at home. What we are learning this year?
A typical day in Beech Class School Day A typical day in Beech Class 8:45 – 9:00 Arrival Checking reading records Early Morning Work Register 9:00 – 9:15 Handwriting 9:15 – 10:15 Maths 10:15 – 10:30 Break 10:30 – 10:45 Spelling 10:45 – 11:15 Reading 11:15 – 12:15 English 12:15 – 1:15 Lunch 1:15 – 1:30 Maths Meeting 1:30 – 2:45 Curriculum Lessons (Normally 2 lessons) 2:45 – 3:00 Assembly 3.00 – 3:15 End of the day preparation
Arrivals Please ensure your child arrives at school on time- 8:50am. All the teachers are happy to discuss any issues which may affect the school day, please leave a message with whoever is on the gate/door in the morning. More complex issues may need an after school appointment.
P.E All children should have a P.E. kit in school which consists of: red shorts, white t-shirt and plimsolls/ trainers (to walk over to the hall) for indoor P.E. Indoor P.E. will be bare foot. NOTE- Please provide a note if children do need to keep shoes on for any reason. jogging bottoms, tracksuit top and trainers for outdoor P.E. Your child's P.E. days are Monday AM (Indoor) and Tuesday PM (Outdoor) Children need to have their kit in a labelled bag and please ensure that all pieces of clothing, including trainers and plimsolls, are named. If girls wear tights to school, they should have a pair of socks to wear with trainers. No jewellery (earrings are not allowed to be taped over.) Long hair needs to tied back (this is at all times).
Behaviour – Rewards and Sanctions There is a school behaviour policy (available on school website). All the children are made aware of the school rules and the reasons that they are there. At all times we try and focus on the positive aspects of children's behaviour. As such, positive behaviour is rewarded in a variety of ways. The class CARE chart rewards individuals for demonstrating our core values (Collaboration, Aspiration, Resilience and Enjoyment). When the chart is full the class will be given a reward, which will have been decided with their input. Unacceptable behaviour which does not follow class and school rules is dealt with using our consequence system. (please also see this in the behaviour policy) NOTE- RESTART is time for reflection, the children get to talk to a senior member and discuss the choices they could have taken to help support future choices.
Reading It is expected that children read every day and their reading record is signed at least 3 times a week (5 if possible). Each child will be competing in the whole school ‘Reading Olympics’ where they will receive medals, certificates and prizes the more they read at home. 50 reads – ‘Bronze’ – medal, certificate and book mark 100 reads – ‘Silver’ – medal, certificate and badge 200 reads – ‘Gold’ – medal, certificate and a book If your child brings the same book home, please take the opportunity to practice reading for fluency.
Homework Homework will be set every Friday. This should be handed in on the following Thursday. Homework will consist of: Reading Practice (aim to read 3 times a week) Spelling Practice (spelling pattern and common exception words) Home Learning Challenge (consolidating concept explored during lesson time) It is important that children are encouraged to complete their homework independently and that it is simply overseen by adults. Homework will be monitored by the class teacher. Please do not hesitate to seek guidance from the class teacher if there are any issues regarding homework.
What are we learning this year? English: Exploring a range of genres including poetry, non-fiction and fiction. Maths: Number, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measurement, Statistics and Geometry Curriculum: Science, Music, Computing, RE, PE, PSHE, French, Art and DT. Autumn Term: The Romans Spring Term: Structures and Buildings (including Stone Age 4000BC and Iron Age 750BC) Summer Term: Local Study (World War 2)
How can you help at home? Hearing your child read (ideally everyday). Discuss the story, characters, language used and themes when appropriate. Ensuring homework is completed each week. Encouraging a positive attitude to learning by using every day situations as opportunity for learning. Remember we are here to help and therefore communicate with us on anything that you feel will support your child.
Other Reminders Please use our online paying system wherever possible, if you need to pay any money by cash, please pay this into the school office, not to your child’s class teacher. Please ensure children wear smart uniform; only stud earrings and watches are allowed. Long hair should be tied back. Hairbands to be school colours only. Coloured nail polish and glitter tattoos are not permitted. As we are a Healthy School, children are encouraged to bring a refillable water bottle in every day and a healthy snack for break times.
Any Questions? Please remember if you have any questions or concerns we are happy to see you any day after school.
Thank you for coming! We look forward to the year ahead.