Ecology “study of the interactions between the organisms and their environment”
Organisms environment Ecosystems Biotic Abiotic Living parts of the ecosystem Non-living parts of an Organisms environment Water, air, soil, rocks, Minerals, metals Plants, animals
Ecology Concepts Population – the organisms of the same species in the same area at the same time A. Factors that limit population growth 1. land/shelter availability 2. food availability 3. used up resources 4. natural disasters
Community – the biotic parts of an ecosystem
Habitat – includes everything the organisms needs to survive A. Endangered Species Act B. Destroy habitat you destroy species (deforestation) - #1 cause of extinction
Niche – way of life of the organisms A. Niche Particulars 1. mating 2. feeding 3. transportation 4. dinural v. nocturnal 5. annual rhythms *if the niche changes, then the species must either adapt or die
Trophic Levels/Feeding Levels
Food Chain v. Food Web
Food Pyramid of Energy Flow Energy is lost at each level (10% gain from previous level, 90% lost at heat)
Biotic Relationships
Biotic Relationships “associations/relationships among living things”
Examples Competition – when 2 organisms compete for the same thing A. Intraspecific v. Interspecific
Predation – predators eat prey 1. Predator/prey relationship 2. Kaibab Plateau
Symbiosis – occurs when 2 organisms or different species live in close association with one another 1. parasitism 2. mutualism
Parasitism “one organism obtains nutrients from a host organism” One benefits; one suffers
Mutualism Both benefit