How should the command words be answered? 1) Using the questions printed on your table each of you has a job- annotate the question. 2) Be prepared to feedback to the rest of the group as each of you has a different topic! What’s my role? 1’s - Highlight in yellow the command word and ANNOTATE what this means. 2’s - Highlight in pink the other KEYWORDS (volcano, tectonic, hazard, effect) and ANNOTATE what this means. 3’s Using PEEL write some sentence starters that might help you answer the question … explain to the rest of your group WHY you are setting it out like that – they may disagree! 4’s Summarise to the group how you have broken down the question and what it is asking you to do 1’s Tyler Shavangi Jordan Callum 2’s Jerome Surina Ellie Chelsea 4’s Gemma Alex Ashley Danny 3’s Louise Sam Beth Shaun Different questions on sugar paper printed out. Is he number 3 question clear enough – do they know what they have to do? Can you do a WAGOLL and stick it up on the wall if they need to look – just an idea? Stretch Challenge- Create some of your own questions using the exam command words for each topic (Ecosystems, Weather, Rivers, Coasts, Cities, Development, Fieldwork) L.O- To review exam technique in preparation for autumn mock exams.
What a good one looks like… One OR the other, not both! It must be a DESIGNATED national park or coastal location. You will not get marks otherwise Choose either a National Park or Coastal Resort in the UK. Describe how your chosen area manages the impact of a large number of tourists. Give specific details: What do they do What is involved ‘say what you see!’ Link specifically to large numbers of tourists (mass tourism) as generally speaking somewhere with low tourist numbers will not have significant impacts Show example of how to break down questions DOH! I just wrote this on the other slide notes! Stick this up/ have it available just in case How does it reduce NEGATIVE impacts of tourism and how do they prevent future negative impacts because of the tourists L.O- To review exam technique in preparation for autumn mock exams.