The Role of the Courts
A. The Constitution on the Courts
Organization of the Constitution: Article I: Article II: Article III: Legislative Executive Judicial Courts = “least dangerous” branch
4 things to know from the Const.: 1) What do the courts do? “Judicial Power” Judicial Review? vested in a Supreme Court. any lower courts Congress may create.
2) Where do judges come from? President appoints. Senate must approve w/ simple majority vote. Qualifications?
3) How long do judges serve? During “good behavior.” Can be impeached & removed. (H S. M.) (S 2/3) 3 ways a judge can leave the bench: 1) Imp. & Rem. 2) Die. * 3) Resign/Retire.
4) How many judges are there? Constitution is silent. Congress decides. 9 since the 1860s. FDR – “court packing” +1 for each justice 70 6 + 9 = 15
B. Structure of the Court System
“Dual System” of courts Federal Court System FEDERALISM State Court Systems National laws State laws
Federal Appeals Courts Federal Court System 1 S.C. Courts of Review 12 Federal Appeals Courts 90+ Trial Courts Federal District Courts Jury
State Court Systems To Fed. Courts State S.C. State Appeals Courts Trial Courts State District Courts Jury
C. How the Supreme Court Works
3 women 6 men
4 by Democrat Presidents 5 by Republican Presidents
1) Appeal 7500-10,000 cases appealed. 75-100 cases accepted. ≈1%
2) “Rule of Four” Writ of Certiorari.
Friends of the Court Briefs – Amicus Curiae. 3) Research Precedents – Stare Decisis. Friends of the Court Briefs – Amicus Curiae. Prepare questions.
4) Oral Argument 30 Minutes per side.
5) Conference Discussion and non-binding vote.
6) Opinion Writing Majority Opinion. Dissenting Opinion. Concurring Opinion.