Compton Status Xinqiao Li 12/01/2007
Check program for Compton Cross Section (M.K’s vs BASES) Compton total Cross Section compare, agreement: 0.15%~0.25%
Check program for Compton Cross Section M.K’s program: Rad. Corr. diff. Cross Section Use K-N to check the integral program, agreement: 0.1%~0.3%
Compare Forward Compton Cross Section (M.K’s vs BASES) Compton forward Cross Section compare, agreement: 0.1%~0.8%
Summary For the Compton Cross Section check, the agreement of M.K’s result and BASES result, for the forward cross section, it’s less than 0.8 percent, and for the total cross section is less than 0.25 percent.
Compton production rate estimate Compton run: 4943, 4944, 4945, 4946, 4965, 4966, 4967, 4970, 4971, 4973. (12C target) T-counter: 1~11 Total time: ~9H Compton events in HyCal: ~0.4M Production rate: ~4,4000 counts/H