Outcome-Chinese New Year Festival for parents Willow Class Spring 1 2019 World Explorers Hook- Treasure box of Chinese objects delivered by mistake by Postman Pat. How can we get the parcel back to China? KUW- Where do we live? Where is China? Are we close or far? How would we get to China?-Journeys-vehicles Look at simple maps of the world. Compare VDG with China through photos/pictures. Dry versus cooked noodles- What is happening as they are cooked? Why? Technology- Use a paint program to design a chinese new year card. Animals- Year of the pig 2019. What was the animal the year we were born? Maths-1 to 1 correspondence bead strings Number bonds to 5/10- bead strings/abacus Coin recogntion and values. Counting using coins in 1s, 2s, 5s. to put in licky red pouches. Length- Who has the longest noodle/dragon- How do you know? PD- Good luck dragon dance- moving to music/making different shapes and patterns with our bodies. Fine motor- Chopsticks and noodles. Food tasting using chopsticks 1/2/19. Using tools effectively to chop/prepare ingredients. PSED- Cleversticks What am I good at? Valuing differences and what makes us special. H&SC- Preparing food and how we do this safely. The Magic Paintbrush-What would your brush paint to help others? CLL- Questions What?/Where?/When?/How?/Who? Children asking, answering and writing questions. Literacy- R- Key texts- Clever sticks/The Runaway Wok/The Magic Paintbrush/Lin Yi’s Lantern/Dragon Dance. Reading simple instructions to make chinese food. Reading captions/labels and making a whole class shared reading book about Chinese New Year for their Yr 6 Buddies to read. W-Writing questions/Happy New Year Cards to staff in school/list for cooking chinese food/Good luck pouches./Writing simple instructions to make a spring roll. Outcome-Chinese New Year Festival for parents EXA&D-Dragon puppets/Chinese lanterns. Response to chinese music through drawing. Colour mixing-primary/secondary colours- The Magic Paintbrush-What would your paintbrush paint?