President Clinton Section 33.1
Main Idea Bill Clinton was a new type of Democrat, and his administration faced challenges for a new millennium– and scandals as old as politics.
1992 Election Bush Sr. was hurting from a sagging economy. 3rd party candidate Ross Perot appealed to many Republicans for his desire to balance the budget and decrease debt. Bill Clinton (Democrat) was able to sweep to victory.
1992 Election
New Democrat Clinton appealed to many Americans. Politically he was liberal Homosexual rights Health care reform Welfare reform Economically he was conservative Balanced budget Cut deficit
Opposition Republicans feared New Democrats like Clinton. Republicans gained control of Congress in 1994. Led by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Rep. began to try to weaken Clinton’s power.
Somalia Somalia was in the midst of a civil war in 1993. Along with the UN, US forces were sent to provide food and restore order. Many soldiers died, Clinton withdrew our forces. The experiences in Somalia prohibited the US from intervening in other conflicts of the time, like genocide in Rwanda.
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement Established tariff free trading between Canada, Mexico, and US. For: increase trade, lower prices Against: low-wage American jobs could go to Mexico
Impeachment Republican Congress searched for information that would damage Clinton’s popularity. Investigations were held into business deals Clinton had before he was pres., Clinton was cleared. A woman also sued Clinton for sexual harassment, which allegedly occurred while he was Governor. Clinton was also cleared of these charges. During these investigations new evidence was exposed of a more recent improper relationship with a WH intern.
Impeachment Clinton was questioned about his relationship, and he testified, under oath, that it was not true. Clinton later admitted that he had an affair. The House, lead by Gingrich, impeached Clinton in 1998. The Senate held a trial, but did not remove Clinton from the presidency.