Food and Farming
Questions… If we could increase the production of food by creating plants that are resistant to disease, or if we could produce new varieties of crops that would help prevent blindness in those who ate them, why would we not do so?
Wouldn’t the production of more food, or food with special properties that benefit humanity, be a worthwhile objective? People who support the development of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) believe it is.
GMO- Genetically Modified Organisms Has been described as the “second green revolution” Are created when biotechnologists move desirable genes, and the characteristics they carry, from one organism to another. Have particular desirable features. Highly controversial
Benefits Swiss scientists have spent more than 10 yrs and $150 million to create 2 new varieties of genetically modified rice. One variety prevents deficiencies of vitamin A, and the other prevents deficiency of iron.
The vitamin-A rich “golden” rice was produced by modifying the genetic make-up of rice with two genes that resulted in a nutrient that the body converts to vitamin A and so to prevent blindness.
Benefits Tolerance to herbicides or resistance to insects, or both have been engineered in GMO crops of soybeans, corn, cotton and canola.
The Controversy… Ranging from the scientific to the ethical. Crops that kill specific types of insects may cause the creation of “superbugs” that are resistant to the effects of pesticides. Ownership of advancements. Companies that create GMO’s tend to patent the plants and animals they create then charge royalties to farmers that use them. Shows an interest in money rather than solving the real agricultural problem. Health effects- not enough research in the safety of GMO’s. people don’t even know they are eating GMO’s because of no labelling rules in NA.
GMA-Animals Animals modified to grow faster and resist diease. Cows produce more milk on less feed. Chickens are modified so they grows faster at a more rapid rate.
The Growing Trend in the U.S.