Case Study #2 – City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Ideal Implementation of the Entire Fiscal Health and Wellness Through Priority Based Budgeting Model
City Quick Facts Inner ring suburb west of Denver, Pop. 31,000, 9.5 square miles General Fund $28.7m, All Funds $45m Median Household income $45,000 Full-time/part-time benefitted staff 226.015, 77 Sworn Part-time 278, Seasonal 130 No Fire or Utilities
Why PBB? City Council Strategic Goal Economic Realities Proactive process to ensure programs are focused on results Two-pronged approach
Fiscal Health Diagnostic Tool
Resource Alignment Diagnostic Tool
User Experience & Process
PBB Champions Led by Management Analyst in City Manager’s Office Supported by Executive Management Team Engaged 45 staff members from all City departments Crafted six result definitions – derived from City Council goals
Result Definitions Desirable, Diverse and Connected Neighborhoods Economic Vitality Effective Transportation and Mobility Options Healthy, Attractive and Well-Maintained Community Safe Community Good Governance
Process Identified 493 programs offered by the City Each department scored each program based on its influence in achieving the results All scored programs reviewed by 6 employee peer groups Determined that 66% of operational funding supports programs either “critical” or have a “strong influence on achieving the results”
Program Inventory Snapshot
Top 10 Lessons Learned Be prepared for resistance Address staff concerns early Strive for consistency Make sure your technology is ready Allow for more time than you think Have multiple individuals fluent in the process Use the same individuals each year Have a pulse on organizational capacity Keep at it – first year is about learning Ask for feedback from participants
Look to the Future
2014 Budget Integration Resource Allocation Use data to support decision-making Budget Variances
Future Opportunities Integration with City Council strategic goals /Citizen Engagement? PBB Process Frequency/ Biennial Budget? Alignment with organizational culture - A.C.T.I.O.N!
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