Reporting in CRC screening Dr. Kęstutis Adamonis, Dr. Romanas Zykus, 2017 02 15 – 22 2017 03 09 – 15
NCSP reporting guidelines Range of activity and quality indicators for each institution involved in screening services provision is monitored by using data entered into the centralised information system along with the activity performed. The screening programme managing institution has to check data entering quality and give instructions to improve data collection. In defined time periods analytical data bases have to be prepared from the running information system.
NCSP reporting guidelines Data tables should present data for people, not data for tests, and therefore each person is counted once in one screening round regardless of the number of tests performed. Patient ID Data1 Data2 Data3 Patient X data Patient Y Patient Z
NCSP reporting guidelines Tables should present the participation in the programme, the main results of testing, and the main detection outcomes. The results based on the collected data are presented and compared by population groups and geographic areas, and other characteristics.
Data tables Tables should present data for people, not data for tests, and therefore each person is counted once regardless of the number of tests performed They should present the participation in the programme, the main results of testing, and the main detection outcomes. Where applicable, data should be broken down by initial and subsequent screening episodes
Data tables For monitoring the programme, tables presenting performance indicators should be produced at regular intervals (at least annually) Tables should record the number of people by (in the respective reporting period): age, sex type of screening test
Data tables When processing the data, decisions should be made regarding age. Age can be calculated according to different events (age at invitation, age at time of screening, age at time of diagnosis). Age at time of screening is preferable for indicators pertaining to the testing procedure, results and outcome. Age should be presented in 5-year groups.
List of recommended data tables to be produced by CRC screening programmes (1) 1. Targeted 2. Eligible 3. Invited 4. Screened/tested at first screening and at subsequent screening episodes 5. Inadequate tests 6. Positive test or screening 7. Follow-up colonoscopy examination attended (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment)
List of recommended data tables to be produced by CRC screening programmes (2) 8. Negative follow-up colonoscopy examination (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment) 9. Positive follow-up colonoscopy examination (diagnostic assessment and/or treatment) 10. Lesion detected (at least one) 11. Adenoma detected (at least one) 12. Non-advanced adenoma detected (at least one) 13. Advanced/high-risk adenoma detected (at least one) 14. Cancer detected by stage
Reporting targets (1) Various stakeholders receive reports for various purpose and that is why one report cannot serve all stakeholders. For different reports different indicators are selected. Reports are prepared for the institutions financing the programme, the ones who are planning strategies, action plans and legislative measures to improve the implementation of screening in the health system and to promote the programme with the ultimate goal of improving public health.
Reporting targets (2) Reporting to various stakeholders aims to increase the responsiveness to the screening program, provide and maintain the support of key stakeholders. On an individual level the information should influence people from the target population. County institutes of public health should prepare annual reports about their activities on NCSP promotion.
Conventional forms of reports prepared by managing institution are: Annually to the Croatian Health Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Health, Annually to National Committee for organisation, expert monitoring, evaluation and quality control of the NCSP or National steering board, Semi-annual and annual oral reporting to Programme board of experts, Semi-annual and annual reports to the County Public Health Institutes mainly on response rate in different regions with the aim of promoting and supporting communication activities, Performance indicators of each primary care team and personal lists of patients not responding to invitation, or not attending screening, Reporting to international organizations, Presentations at professional and other meetings, Information to public and media about programme results, Reporting within the Croatian Institute of Public Health.
Workshop: Reporting in CRC screening program Annual report to National Committee for organisation, expert monitoring, evaluation and quality control of the National colorectal cancer screening programme Annual report to primary care centre Annual report to the County Public Health Institutes Annual report for colonoscopy center Information to public and media