Knowsys: Group 11
aggravate Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: 1) to make worse or 2) to annoy aggravate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: 1) to make worse or 2) to annoy
Definition: 1) to make worse or 2) to annoy aggravate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: 1) to make worse or 2) to annoy The child’s constant scratching aggravated the rash, causing it to spread and itch even worse than before.
gripe Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: to grumble and complain gripe Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to grumble and complain
Definition: to grumble and complain gripe Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to grumble and complain Although the students griped about the poor quality of the food in the cafeteria, they ate it anyway.
Part of Speech: Adjective unruly Part of Speech: Adjective
unruly Definition: not easy to rule, manage, or control Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: not easy to rule, manage, or control
unruly Definition: not easy to rule, manage, or control Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: not easy to rule, manage, or control Mrs. Hall’s first period class is so unruly that she typically sends at least two students to the office for bad conduct.
Part of Speech: Adjective appropriate Part of Speech: Adjective
appropriate Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: fitting or suitable
appropriate Definition: fitting or suitable Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: fitting or suitable Do not ask your questions now; wait for the appropriate time at the end of the lecture when the professor asks for questions.
Part of Speech: Adjective beneficial Part of Speech: Adjective
Part of Speech: Adjective beneficial Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: helpful
Part of Speech: Adjective beneficial Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: helpful The math tutoring program at school has been very beneficial for me; it has helped me improve my grades significantly.
Part of Speech: Adjective convenient Part of Speech: Adjective
convenient Definition: comfortable, suitable, or nearby Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: comfortable, suitable, or nearby
convenient Definition: comfortable, suitable, or nearby Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: comfortable, suitable, or nearby The conference hotel was in a very convenient location, only a five-minute walk from the main conference area.
Part of Speech: Adjective discreet Part of Speech: Adjective
discreet Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: modest or careful
discreet Definition: modest or careful Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: modest or careful In the expensive store, the surveillance cameras are very discreet, but if you look for them, you will see them.
Part of Speech: Adjective sinister Part of Speech: Adjective
sinister Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: evil or disastrous
sinister Definition: evil or disastrous Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: evil or disastrous The arch criminal’s sinister plans to destroy the world were discovered and thwarted by the hero.