Normal Daily Homework Assignments (please check planners nightly): Week of September 10th Notes for the Week Contact Information This Saturday is Perry Township’s Oktoberfest and we have been asked to let families know about the following: Free Books! Free Reading Buddies! Free Family Fun! Oh my! Join the Perry Title team as they partner with the Perry Township Trustees at the community Oktoberfest for a fun-filled day of literacy and kindness. Make your mark on Perry by adding to our kindness mural. September 15th from 12-4 at Hartwick Park. We hope to see your students there! This week we are starting a new reading story called “My Family.” We will not take any tests over the story until next week. Also, I will be reading the tests aloud for the first 9 weeks and encouraging the students to stay with me and not work ahead. They are doing a great job so far! Please remember to send a small snack with your child every day. If you’d like to donate extra snacks for when kids forget, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Have a great week! (330)478-6174 Important Dates September 14-No School September 15-Oktoberfest October 2, 4, 5-Parent-Teacher Conferences Here’s What We’re Working On: Reading: My Family Skills: short o, e, and u words, using a glossary, identifying complete sentences, comparing and contrasting Vocabulary words: remembered, porch, crown, spend, stuck, visit, cousin, piano Math: Chapter 1-Numbers to 1,000-quiz on Tuesday Spelling: wet, job, hug, rest, spot, left, help, plum, nut, hot Writing: Introduction to Writing Workshop Science/Social Studies: Rules in Different Settings Normal Daily Homework Assignments (please check planners nightly): Monday-Math or writing Tuesday-Poetry notebooks-read and return Wednesday-Spelling Thursday-Reading story