Presenter: Tonya Easterwood Facilitator: Carla Brown What’s New in HRMS Presenter: Tonya Easterwood Facilitator: Carla Brown Introduction Thank you for joining today’s presentation entitled ______________________.
Go-To-Webinar Overview of Go-To-Webinar Before we get started, I want to review a few housekeeping items and let you know how you can participate in today’s Web event. We’re looking at an example of the Go-To-Webinar Attendee Interface which is made up of two parts. The Viewer Window is where attendees see the presenter’s screen. The Viewer Window can be resized by clicking and dragging the lower right corner. The Control Panel is where attendees can interact with organizers. Move mouse over the Grab Tab You should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper right corner. Click 1 Clicking the arrows on the Grab Tab opens and closes the Control Panel. Click 2 The Audio pane provides audio information. (If the organizer has given attendees a choice) There are two options. You can join audio through your computer; select Use Mic & Speakers. Click 3 Click Audio Setup to select your computer speaker or headset devices. Click 4, 5 and 6 You can choose to join audio through your telephone. Select Use Telephone, dial the number listed and enter both the Access Code and Audio PIN when prompted. Click 7 During (at the end, etc.) the presentation, you have the ability to send questions to our Webinar staff through the Questions pane. Simply type in your question and click send. (Optional) At the end of the presentation we will do a Q&A session to answer as many questions as we have time for. Click 8 During the presentation we may ask you to answer a question by raising your hand. This option is located on the Grab Tab. Click 9 and 10 If you prefer to keep your control panel open during the presentation, click View in the top menu and un-check Auto-Hide the Control Panel.
LEA Reporting Tool Applicant Facelift Agenda Slide HRMS – What’s New Webinar Summary Objectives At the completion of this training session, trainees will be able to: Process and update an employee status codes on employee transfers. Run State and Federal reports using the HRMS Reporting Tool v10. Familiar with new changes to HRMS online application process. Create queries for Leave of absences completed by the LEA Run Web Report to assist with ORBITS Reporting
HRMS System Overview
LEA HRMS Modules Applicant Reporting Communication HRMS Definition The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a web-based software solution specifically designed to meet the human resources (HR) needs of all public school systems in North Carolina. It provides many, but not all, HR information management needs. HRMS is composed of four modules LEA, Applicant, Report Generation and the Communication Site. Today we will be using the LEA and Reporting Modules. HRMS Modules HRMS consists of four modules: LEA, Applicant, Report Generation, and the HRMS Communications Site. The LEA Module is an ever-growing suite of web-based human resources features that reduces paperwork. The Applicant Module is an online job application system where teachers and support staff can find current vacancies and submit a single application for submission to specific school systems or for statewide distribution. The Report Generation Module is a flexible set of management report tools and a variety of ancillary data extraction and manipulation features. The HRMS Communications Site is a central repository for HRMS information.
Getting Started
Left Panel is Module Navigation Clicking the HRMS Logo will return you to your LEA home page Key contacts information is entered on the LEA configuration page located under the setup module. Your system administrator is responsible for maintaining this information. Administrator Message Announcement – News -
Transferring Employees We will begin working with transferring employees
This resource is provided as a tool to demonstrate the proper procedures to follow when the need arises to transfer a current active employee from one assignment into a new / different assignment. Access: This procedure is started by going to the Employees menu on the Home Page Employee Page Pick Employee From the Employee demographics page click assignment and select transfer. This populates the Transfer assignment screen. Procedure: Find the departing / separated employee so you can identify the position number of the new position that you want to move your current employee into. If this is a new position and you know the position number this step will not be needed. Procedure: Once you are on the Demographic Page of the departing / separated employee there are several thing that you will want to identify and possibly adjust. Determine the Position Number – If the employee is departing at some time in the future the position number will be identifiable on the Employee’s Demographic Screen and the number should be written down for future use in assigning the position to the next employee. (If the employee has already separated from the position, you will need to click on the View All Assignment Details to find the position number.) Review the End Date – You will want to review the End Date of the employee departing / separated from the position to ensure the position will be available to assign to the new employee on the date needed. Once you have identified the position to be assigned and verified that the position is available for staffing on the date needed then you should edit the position by clicking the Position Edit link identified above.
on the transfer screen click the drop down arrow to select the position to begin the transfer process. Enter the date of the last date for the employee
Enter a new position number Enter a new position number. If this is a Leave position adding an L to the front of the position number and removing the last number of the position number. This will allow for proper tracking and removal of the leave position. After the required information fields have been entered a status box appears that details the Start and End Dates that the position has been previously staffed. The status box should reflect a notification message that the Status is Pending Vacant or Vacant. If the position is vacant or pending vacant you may proceed by clicking the Submit button.
Transfer Assignment Once the Edit Position Screen opens, you should review all of the data entry fields, to be ensure they reflect what the position is to represent with the new assignment. Start with the Position information with specific attention to the data fields identified above, then proceed to the Reporting, Salary / Payment and finally the Budget Code Information Sections. (Please see the next page for the screen shot of these data fields.) 6 Verifying the Employment status when transferring. When employee transfer it is possible for this status to change depending upon the new position.
Teacher Evaluations
Access: This procedure is started by going to the Employees menu on the Home Page and click employee page Pick Employee
Click Evaluations
Has now been removed there is a new system MCREAL online teacher evaluations system. It is being provided by NCDPI for this school year at no cost to the school system.
HRMS Leave of Absence
The new Leave of Absence module offers many new features that were not available with the old module; in fact, it has been completely overhauled. In addition to having the ability to create Leaves of Absence, LEAs will also have the opportunity to modify or extend those Leaves, and end them or reinstate the employee, even after the Anticipated End Date has passed. Complete historical information about Leaves of Absence/Disability will also be available for active, future and archived Leaves that were created after LEA 5.8 is rolled out. Every time a Leave/Disability is created, modified, extended, ended or cancelled, the system will log historical information about that staff action. A complete history log will allow users to view the details of each staff action for a Leave of Absence/Disability, including the “before” and “after” Leave values resulting from that staff action. More details about the new Leave/Disability forms and features that have been added in LEA Release 5.8 follow below. For LEAs that were using the old (pre-5.8) Leave of Absence module to track employees on Leave and/or Disability, be sure to read the ‘Handling Old Staff Action Leave of Absence and Disability Records’ section of this document.
HRMS Web Reports
Web Report 000013
Web Report 000025 Web Report 000025 – Leaves of Absence/Disability has been added as part of the LEA 5.8 release. This report allows LEAs to print a list of all employees who are currently on Leave of Absence/Disability, who were on Leave during a specified date range, or who are currently on Leave but their Anticipated End Date has passed. • This report will not include any Leaves/Disabilities that were created prior to the implementation of Release 5.8 unless the LEA re-keyed those Leaves into the new Leave of Absence module after 5.8 rolled out. Report Option 1 allows LEAs to display a list of all employees currently on Leave/Disability (the Status of the Leave is “Active” and the Effective Date of that Leave is less than or equal to today’s date). Report Option 2 allows LEAs to display a list of employees currently on Leave/Disability but the Anticipated End Date of the Leave has passed. Run this report frequently to identify the outstanding Leaves that may need some type of action taken on them Leaves with no Anticipated End Date will be included in this report. 6 LEAs should take action to extend or end Leave(s) on this report as needed, or to reinstate the employees who have returned to work. • Report Option 3 allows LEAs to display a list of employees who were on Leave/Disability during a specified date range that is entered by the user. This option selects all Leaves with a Start/Effective Date or an Anticipated End Date that falls within the date range entered. Leaves that have been cancelled/removed are not included in this list. Current, future and archived Leaves can appear on this report, depending on the date range entered.
Web Reports 000026 The majority of LEAs were not using the old Leave of Absence module (prior to Release 5.8) to enter their Leave and Disability information; for those LEAs, no action is needed. • To enable LEAs to find the old Leave/Disability records that need to be re-keyed into the new Leave of Absence module, LEA Web Report 000026 (Old Leave/Disability Records) was developed. LEAs who were using the old (pre 5.8) Leave of Absence module and had Leaves and/or Disabilities in progress should run this report and have a Staff Action Clerk re-enter those Leaves. See below for specifics about running this new web report. Old Staff Action Leave/Disability Records Web Report (000026) • Web Report 000026 – Old Leave of Absence/Disability Records displays old Leave, Disability and Reinstate records (from the old staff action history table) that were created prior to the rollout of the LEA 5.8 release. DPI recommends that LEAs run this report to find Leaves/Disabilities that were in progress when LEA 5.8 was rolled out and re-key those Leaves into the new Leave of Absence module. • The best way to obtain a list of the Leaves and Disabilities that were in progress when release 5.8 was rolled out is to run this report using the Anticipated End Date filter. Use the following steps to find these Leaves and/or Disabilities. o Select the ‘Filtered By Anticipated End Date’ option on the report selection form. o From Date: Enter the day that LEA 5.8 was rolled out in your LEA to find all Leaves/Disabilities that were expected to end on or after that Date. o To Date: Enter a date in the distant future, to ensure that all old outstanding Leaves that are scheduled to end in the future are included. o Submit the report. This will return a list of all Leaves that were in progress (or expected to start in the future) when LEA 5.8 rolled out. o Have a Staff Action Clerk in your LEA re-key these records (using the ‘Create Leave’ option) into the new HRMS Leave of Absence module. 7 • Alternate ways of running this report are also available. This report can be used to find all old Leave/Disability records for a particular employee, to find all old Leave/Disability records with a Start/Effective Date during a particular date range, or to find all old Leave/Disability records for the entire LEA.
Web Report 000027 Generates a flat file to upload to the orbit system. The orbit system will then take these SSN numbers and bump against all 5 of the state retirement social security plans and verify if the SSN is in receipt (drawing any kind of benefits from these programs.) if they are these individuals must be flagged in your payroll system. This is a one time deal and once flagged. Then you will only have to have all new hires will need to complete the form. This form located on the Orbits website.
HRMS Query Builder
Show the leave of absence tables.
HRMS Online Application System Live demo. This will be released November 17, 2010 Beta site:
HRMS Support Contacts Carla Brown – Applicant Steven Andrew –LEA Tonya Easterwood – Training Jared Winchester – Reporting Tool Leondra Edwards – Reporting Tool