Special English for Industrial Robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail :edubot_zhang@126.com
49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs
Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 5. KUKA robot Task: Part1 KUKA and KUKA robot Part2 KUKA robot product series Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot Part4 Typical robot_KR 6 R700 Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 5 KUKA robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail:edubot_zhang@126.com
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot Here we focus on KR QUANTEC pro robot in the high payload range, part of KUKA’s 6-axis industrial robots. KUKA KR QUANTEC pro robot is generally composed of three parts: manipulator, KR C4 controller and smartPAD, as shown in Figure 5-8. Figure 5-8 The composition structure of the KR QUANTEC pro robot
Figure 5-9 Robot arm of KR QUANTEC pro robot Unit 5 KUKA robot 20 Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot Manipulator Manipulator-Robot body, the main mechanical arm of industrial robots, the actuator used to complete the required tasks. It is mainly composed of robotic arm, driving device, transmission device and internal sensors. For a six-axis robot, the robotic arm mainly includes a base, a waist, two arm (link arm and forearm), and a wrist, as shown in Figure 5-9. Figure 5-9 Robot arm of KR QUANTEC pro robot
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot Controller Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot The KR C4 controller is a pioneer for the automation of today and tomorrow. It reduces costs in integration, maintenance and servicing. At the same time, the long-term efficiency and flexibility of the systems are increased – thanks to common, open industry standards. The KR C4 software architecture integrates Robot Control, PLC Control, Motion Control (for example KUKA.CNC) and Safety Control. All controllers share a database and infrastructure. With five variants(KR C4 compact, KR C4 smallsiza-2, KR C4, KR C4 midsize and KR C4 extened), the KR C4 can be optimally integrated into your automation environment. Requirements for stackability, protection against dust, humidity and other influences can thus be taken into account.
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot Controller Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot The KR C4 consists of the following components, as shown in Figure 5-10: (a) Front view (b) Rear view Figure 5-10 Constitution of the KR C4 controller
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot Controller Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot 1 Mains filter 10 Safety Interface Board (SIB)/ Extended SIB 2 Main switch 11 Transient limiter 3 Controller System Panel (CSP) 12 Batteries(positioning depending on variant) 4 Control PC (KPC) 13 Connection panel 5 Drive power supply (drive controller for axes 7 and 8, optional) 14 Low-voltage power supply unit 6 Drive controller for axes 4 to 6 15 Brake resistor 7 Drive controller for axes 1 to 3 16 Heat exchangers 8 Brake filter 17 External fan 9 Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot SmartPAD Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot The smartPAD (Teach Pendant) is a hand held operator unit used to perform almost of the tasks involved when operating a robot of KUKA. The KUKA smartPAD was designed to master even complex operating tasks easily. It can be deployed universally and is easy to operate, even for inexperienced users. It’s able to operate all KUKA robots with a KR C4 controller.
Figure 5-11 The surface structure of the smartPAD Unit 5 KUKA robot 20 Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot SmartPAD The surface structure of the smartPAD is shown in Figure 5-11. Figure 5-11 The surface structure of the smartPAD The smartPAD consists of both hardware and software and is a complete computer in itself. It is connected to the controller by an integrated cable and connector.
20 Unit 5 KUKA robot Vocabulary Part3 The structure of the KUKA robot smartPAD 示教器 integration ['ɪntə'greʃən] n.集成;综合 infrastructure ['ɪnfrə'strʌktʃɚ] n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造 humidity [hju'mɪdəti] n. [气象] 湿度;湿气 hardware ['hɑrdwɛr] n.计算机硬件;五金器具
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