Find out more: SUCCESSFULLY SELLING IN EUROPE CHALLENGE Entering new markets and offering new products can represent a series of challenges for any organisation. After establishing a successful business in North America it was decided to pursue more global reach for the ASME Training & Development (T&D). Europe was one of the first markets targeted for expansion. SOLUTIONS In order to assess the real potential of the European market, ASME and MCI decided to establish a customised European Training Development Strategy consisting of market research, product/programme definition, sales and marketing and the establishment of a pilot programme. After six years of collaboration between ASME and MCI, education programmes have been growing consistently in Europe on an annual basis, with double-digit compound annual growth rate. RESULTS American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 130,000 158 10,000 PROJECT Market outreach TARGET AUDIENCE Engineers LOCATION Europe SERVICES Strategy, sales & marketing, product definition, market analysis MEMBERS COUNTRIES ENGINEERS TRAINED EVERY YEAR 400 40 PARTICIPANTS ACCRESS EUROPE COURSES PER YEAR Find out more: