Familiarisation process EXIT -ENTRY STRATEGY PHARE ETF-CEDEFOP R:\PowerpointPresentations
Phare Programme Main goals: to familiarise CCs with the activities of Cedefop to support the main VET stakeholders in the CCs in the run up accession N.B. :Malta and Cyprus are not included in the Phare programme
Familiarisation Process Main activities until now : European Journal Agora Research Early identification of skill needs LLL conference TTNET Study Visits Social Partners (support to ) Information-Publications Glossary REFER
ETF-Cedefop co-operation; Main steps Implementing an Exit entry strategy for each of the ten acceding countries until May 2004; Facilitating the involvement of the acceding and candidate countries in the policy development of the Community in the field of VET; Support in the ACCs for full participation inn Cedefop activities by the time of accession; Further familiarisation of BG RO TK with Cedefop activities and networks after May 2004;
The exit -entry strategy until May 2004 a transfer to ETF know -how and information resources to Cedefop on the first ten acceding countries; a roadmap to facilitate the familiarisation of National Observatories and other key organisations in each countries with Cedefop’s REFERNet; a roadmap to ensure the association of each countries to other Cedefop’s networks and communities, in particular Ttnet.