Taft & Wilson Administrations
Taft v. William Jennings Bryan Payne-Aldrich Tariff upset progressives Barely cut tariffs
Taft v. William Jennings Bryan Ballinger-Pinchot Affair Controversy over the sale of public lands Ruined Taft’s administration
Progressive Reforms Broke up many trusts (more than T. Roosevelt) Children’s Bureau: Gov’t organization for women and children Mann-Elkins Act: regulated telecommunications
Wilson Years Election of 1912 “Bull-Moose Party”: T. Roosevelt tried to win the Republican nomination from Taft because he believed Taft did not live up to progressive ideals Wilson wins because the Republican vote was split
Election of 1912
Wilson Years Wilson wins Underwood Tariff lowered basic tariff rates from 40% to 25% 1913- reinstates 16th Amendment (income tax)
Wilson Years Federal Reserve System: Allowed banks to borrow $ Federal Aid/Welfare Child Labor Laws Federal Farm Labor Board: Provide low interest loans to farmers
Wilson Years Clayton-Antitrust Act: got rid of price discrimination Federal Trade Commission: Restricted business activities that limit competition unfairly
Progressivism and the call for reform died out because of the call for war in WWI