Theory vs Law Page 7 of INB
Compare scientific law and scientific theory. Essential Question Compare scientific law and scientific theory.
Scientific Law Describes how things work, can be tested by repeated experiments Allow scientist to predict Does not explain how, can not change.
Scientific Theory Are always questioned Explains an observation clearly and consistently. Experiments must be repeatable Must be able to predict results from the theory Can be replaced or changed when new discoveries are made. New theories are often criticized.
DATA Qualitative: Data that uses words to describe the observation When I let go of the pen it fell to the table Quantitative: Data stated as a mathematical equation or numbers. F = m a , 12 eggs Math is the same in every language, used as a standard.
Models: A representation of an object or event that can be studied to understand the real object or event. Used for things that are too big, too small. Can be drawing or scale models of things Computer models: combines lots of data and calculations to make predictions.
LSA PAGE 6 of INB 1) 2) Describe and give an example of a Scientific model. 3) Theory Same/different Law Categorize Each observation: Quantitative Qualitative The Apple is Red X The package had a mass of 36Kg A = ½ mV2 The bolt was loose The boy went up the stairs The tree was 16 m tall He purchased a dozen doughnuts The stove felt warm