The Acts of the Apostles Acts 14 – Preaching, Persecution, And Perseverance Sunday – December 17, 2017 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Ascension of Christ. ______ Peter's third sermon before the Sanhedrin. ______ Paul before the Sanhedrin. ______ Conclusion of the first journey. ______ Paul before Festus. ______ Horrible death of Herod Agrippa I. 1 4 23 14 25 12
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Raising of Dorcas (Tabitha) from the dead by Peter. ______ Simon the sorcerer. ______ Completion of the second tour. ______ Paul with Aquila and Priscilla at Corinth. ______ First evangelistic tour begins at Antioch. ______ Paul and Silas at Thessalonica. 9 8 18 18 13 17
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Gamaliel's advice concerning Christianity before the Sanhedrin. ______ The first sermon under the gospel by Peter. ______ Second evangelistic tour begins. ______ Stephen's defense and martyrdom. ______ Paul stoned at Lystra. ______ Conversion of Cornelius. 5 2 15 7 14 10
Which Chapter Is It In? ______ Paul before Herod Agrippa II. ______ Peter's second sermon. ______ The healing of the impotent man at Lystra. ______ Demetrius, the silversmith, and his opposition to Paul. ______ Apostolic miracles. ______ The apostles arrested by the Jews and miraculously released. 26 3 14 19 5 5
The First Preaching Journey Acts 13:2-14:28 10 4 9 5 7 6 8 11 1 13 12 3 2
Commended to the Grace of God Acts 14:26-27 Does not mean Christians will live free of trials, trouble, and trauma (26) cf. 1 Timothy 3:12; Acts 3,4,5,7, etc. Does mean God will use you to do His work (27)
Worksheet On Acts Chapter 14 SUMMARIZE: 14:1-7 14:8-18 14:19-28
Worksheet On Acts Chapter 14 IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE: Certain man: Paul: Barnabas: Priest of Jupiter: Jews from Antioch and Iconium: Gentiles:
Worksheet On Acts Chapter 14 IDENTIFY THE PLACES: Iconium: Lystra: Derbe: Antioch:
Questions 1. Where in Iconium did Paul and Barnabas preach and what resulted? 2. As we have previously learned in Acts, as well as in this text, what is included in the term “believed”? cf. Acts 2:41, 44 3. Who are those who are contrasted to the believing Jews and Greeks? 4. What was done which made the Gentiles “evil affected” against the brethren?
Questions 5. In what way did the Lord help Paul and Barnabas in the work in Iconium? a. What is revealed about the length of their stay there? 6. What was the condition of the city in relation to Paul and Barnabas? 7. What efforts were attempted against Paul and Barnabas and who was involved in this effort?
Questions 8. What resulted when they learned of this evil plot? 9. What man is described from Lystra and what did Paul do for this man? 10. How did the people react to what was done? 11. What did the people call Paul and Barnabas? a. What was the significance of these two names? 12. What did a certain “priest” do?
Questions 13. How did Paul and Barnabas react to this action? 14. Explain the usage of the term “apostle” as it is here applied to Barnabas. 15. What did Paul and Barnabas say to this multitude? 16. Where did Jews come from in pursuit of Paul? a. What did they do in Lystra?
Questions 17. What did Paul do while the disciples stood around him? 18. Where did Paul go next? 19. What was the result of their preaching in this city? 20. After preaching at Derbe, where did they go and what did they do?
Questions 21. What was done in every church? cf. verse 23 and 1 Corinthians 4:17 22. Name the next few places they traveled. 23. What does Luke reveal concerning the end of their trip? 24. What did they do when they came to Antioch?
Questions 25. What had God done concerning the Gentiles? a. What occurred that resulted in this? THINK: Add to your chart the list of the places visited by Paul in this chapter and identify the main things that happened at each place!