01/18/11 ExCom - Secretary R4 Secretary Bill Gorder 8-18-2011
01/18/11 Region 4 2012 Calendar 2 01/18/11
01/18/11 Roster
Roster 1st part of roster is regional officers 01/18/11 Roster 1st part of roster is regional officers 2nd part is section chairpersons Contact informtation Cell phone can be added on request Lower left Elected or appointed by XXX Bylaws refs to ExCom/RCom positions Voting rights (if any)
Action item from 1/23-24/2010 Regional Committee Meeting 01/18/11 Action item from 1/23-24/2010 Regional Committee Meeting The region is to provide webinars on vTools capabilities with hands-on training including on-line elections, web-in-a-box, managing meetings, meeting calendars, and the sharing of meeting information, and help with locating Region 4 and IEEE training resources.
Approve Minutes of 1-22-2011 ExCom Dimdim Meeting 01/18/11 Approve Minutes of 1-22-2011 ExCom Dimdim Meeting Everyone should have received an e- copy of the minutes Everyone with voting rights on the ExCom votes Any errors or questions?