Informative Essay Writing
Introduction Paragraph Topic sentence: Take the question and create a sentence on what the essay is on. EXAMPLE QUESTION: How has India impacted today’s world? EXAMPLE TOPIC SENTENCE: India has impacted today’s world in many ways. 3 MAIN POINTS: Each main point should cover the topics of the 3 body paragraphs.
Body Paragraphs Topic sentence, 3 main points, a direct quote and a transition sentence. DIRECT QUOTES: a sentence, word-for-word, from a text in quote marks. CITATIONS: Go at end of the direct quote. Parenthesis with author name and page number inside and a period on the outside EXAMPLE: (Carnine 540).
Conclusion Paragraph Topic sentence, 3 main points of the whole essay and a concluding sentence. Concluding sentence should be similar to the topic sentence of the essay.