Welcome to the Beryozova Open House and annual Title I meeting 


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Presentation transcript:

Добро пожаловать на открытый дом Beryozova Dobro pozhalovat' na otkrytyy dom Beryozova

Welcome to the Beryozova Open House and annual Title I meeting  What is Title I and How Can I be Involved?

What is Title I? Title I provides federal funding to schools to help low achieving students meet challenging academic standards. Title I funds are allocated to schools based on the number of low income students. Schools with a student population of at least 40% low income are eligible for a schoolwide program.

Beryozova operates a Title I Schoolwide Program

What is a Schoolwide Program? The school uses Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement for the entire school. Title I funds will also be used to provide additional assistance to students who experience difficulties in meeting the State’s performance targets. Federal, state, and local services and programs are coordinated and integrated. All programs support the schoolwide plan.

What must a school do to have a Schoolwide Program? The school must have a student population of at least 40% low income. The school must collect and analyze data that effects student achievement. The school must develop, with input from the community, a comprehensive school plan; the comprehensive plan can overlap with a school improvement plan. The planning team must annually review the effectiveness of the plan and adjust when necessary.

Beryozova Title I Schoolwide Program

Planning Team Teachers and interested parents provide input to determine priorities. Beryozova uses Title funds to provide an additional teacher. Uchitelya i roditeli , zainteresovannyye predstavit' materialy dlya opredeleniya prioritetov . Beryozova ispol'zuyet Nazvaniye sredstva , chtoby obespechit' dopolnitel'nyy uchitelya.

Proficiency Levels for the 2013-14 school year Beryozova school’s ASPI rating is the highest possible, Five Stars!100% of students have reached proficiency and Beryozova is recognized as a National Title I Distinguished School!

Needs Assessment Because Beryozova has had such high achievement the needs assessment indicates that we continue with the same high level program and supports to student learning that have been in place. Integrating technology and traditional learning activities in an environment of high expectations (parents, students, and teachers) all working together. Potomu Beryozova byla takoy vysokoy dostizheniye otsenka potrebnostey pokazyvayet, chto my prodolzhayem s toy zhe programmy vysokogo urovnya i podderzhivayet obucheniya studentov , kotoryye byli na meste. Integratsiya tekhnologii i traditsionnyye uchebnyye meropriyatiya v usloviyakh vysokikh ozhidaniy ( roditeley, uchashchikhsya i uchiteley ) vse rabotayut vmeste .

Funding District and Title Funds are blended to create Beryozova school and provide access to highly qualified teachers and research based learning programs.


Focus Goals Our goal is to continue providing a blended learning model with online and traditional learning options for students to achieve proficiency in all core areas and to explore and become proficient in their areas of interest. Наша цель продолжать оказывать смешанный модель обучения с онлайн и традиционных вариантов обучения для студентов, чтобы достичь мастерства во всех основных областях , а также изучить и овладеть в своих областях , представляющих интерес.

Curriculum and Instructional Strategies Our school improvement plan may be accessed from our website at http://matsuk12.us/bzs and http://www.matsuk12.us//site/Default.aspx?PageID=697

Assessment Assessments will include: the program assessments in the adopted curriculum including online curriculum such as ALEKS and APEX. District assessments of AIMSweb and MAP State Assessments AMP, Work Keys

Title I Parent Notification Requirements

Parent Involvement Policy Our Parent Involvement policy is located here and online.

School-Parent Compact Please review the handout and sign and return to the teachers. Thank you 

Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement State Assessment reports will be provided at parent conferences if we get them in time. If they don’t arrive before p/c they will be provided and reviewed shortly after the results come in. We expect State AMP scores to arrive within the next six weeks. Teachers will deliver the information on District assessments in parent-teacher conferences.

Parent’s Right to Know – Non-Highly Qualified Teachers Schools are required to notify parents if their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher that is not highly qualified. Parents have the right to request the qualification of teachers. As in past years, Beryozova teachers are highly qualified in many subjects but not all subjects. We are working to assist our teachers to achieve highly qualified status for all subjects.

How Can You Be Involved?

Parent Involvement Opportunities Volunteer at the school, help chaperone a field trip, and meet with teachers regarding student performance at parent-teacher conferences.

Parent Involvement in Decision Making Many opportunities exist for parents to be involved in decisions at the school including: Calendar committee Title I planning Field Trip Planning Open House Planning

Right to Request Meetings Upon the request of parents, the school must provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school must respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible. По просьбе родителей , школа должна предоставлять возможности для регулярных встреч для родителей, чтобы сформулировать предложения и участвовать в соответствующих случаях, в решениях о воспитании своих детей . Школа должна реагировать на любые такие предложения , как только практически возможным .


Contact Information Beryozova School Principal: Carl Chamblee 746-9247 Jennifer Knight: Administrative Secretary 746-9278 Teachers: Valentin Fonov and Dana Avugiak PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 27297 Beryozova Rd., Willow, AK 99688 MAILING ADDRESS: C/O Willow School P.O. Box 69, Willow, AK 99688 Phone: 907-495-2500 (or 2501) Fax: 907-495-2502