2018 SVA Flag Football Location: SVA Football Field- Located behind the school Dates: March 3rd, March 10th, March 17th Times : 10am- 1pm Cost: FREE Sign Up: Please see Mr. Nachazel to sign up for Flag Football Paperwork: Please arrive by 9:30 AM for registration –Copy of Insurance Required & Waiver 9:30-10am-Registration 10:00-11:30- Football 101 (break into groups, work on football related drills) 11:30-11:40- Water Break/Set up for games 11:40-12:45- Games Begin-Field split in half for 2 separate games 12:45-1:00- Talk, clean up and release players to parents *All parents welcome to stick around and watch their child participate* Who can attend: Any current SVA students who will be in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade for the 2018-2019 school year Purpose: This is a great opportunity to get your child interested in learning more about football, interacting with their fellow peers and working with our dedicated football coaching staff as they prepare for next season’s football season.