Secondary Computing and ICT Curriculum MASTERY STATEMENTS: YEAR 7 CAROUSEL Computing ICT Digital Literacy E-Safety I can identify and create an algorithm and represent this as a flow chart (C1) I can manage files, folders and sub-folders and identify and explain common file extensions. (IT1) I can use a range of Browsers to search for information and be selective in the information I choose I know that I should use digital media safely and to be careful what media I share. (ES1) I can design, create and move sprites and automate sprite movements(C2) I can use movie, graphics and sound editing software effectively for a purpose. I know that computer programs can be used to write malicious programs. (ES2) I can define variables and use comments (C3) I can test and review my work to make improvements. I can add media to my programme (C4) I can understand and use effective testing. (C5))