NOTES-CHECK #s 36 – 40 YESTERDAY February 28, 2017 U.S. History Agenda: DO NOW: Term Matching NOTES #41: How did the U.S. fight World War I at home and abroad? NOTES-CHECK #s 36 – 40 YESTERDAY
How did the U.S. fight World War I at home and abroad? Notes #41
During WWI, over 4 million Americans served and over 116,000 were killed (out of over 17 million killed in total).
over 2.8 million draftees served In order to raise an army for the U.S., Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917, which allowed men to be called to service by a draft. Men ages 18 – 45 registered; over 2.8 million draftees served
Women, African Americans, and retirees filled factory jobs left behind by men serving.
Propaganda was used to encourage Americans to support the war effort.
Raid on a home under the Espionage Act In order to silence critics of the war effort, the Espionage Act and the Sedition Act were passed in 1917 and 1918. Raid on a home under the Espionage Act
Justice Oliver Wendell In the 1919 case Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that limits could be placed on freedom of speech when it causes “clear and present danger”. Charles Schenck Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.