Agenda point 4 proposal for energy PSUTs: Compilation Sequence


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda point 4 proposal for energy PSUTs: Compilation Sequence NAMEA Task Force Meeting on Energy Accounts 6-7 May 2010 SMO

Compilation Sequence = system of tables …starting from energy statistics …transposing into PSUT framework …and finally result tables …designed from a practitioner‘s point of view …shall facilitate harmonisation of compilation steps 6-7 May 2010

Elements Energy Statistics Auxiliary data Allocation matrices Supply and Use matrices 6-7 May 2010

Four Stages: preparing energy statistics (gathering of auxiliary information) the USE sequence the SUPPLY sequence compiling net energy use 6-7 May 2010

Stage 1 EUROSTAT ENERGY STATISTICS - Annual data on supply and use by type of energy products 1. Solid Fuels 1000 of tons TOE TJ (NCV) 2. Oil 3. Gas TJ (GCV) 4. Renew. for Heat 5. Renew. for Biofuels 6. Renew. for Electr. GWh 7. Nuclear 8. Electricity 9. Heat TJ (NCV) Gross use of energy products (primary table) : 46 use items - Source: Eurostat - Energy Statistics STC EXP BNK TRF-I ETR-I ENG DL NEU IND TRP HHS SDF Commodities (18 subtotals) 62 energy A B C D E F G H I J K L STC (A) : Stock changes EXP / IMP (B / O) Exports /Imports BNK (C) Bunkers TRF-I / TRF-O (D / P) Transformation -Input / Transformation-Output ETR-I (E) Ex-changes, transfers, returns ENG (F) Energy sectors consumption DL (G) Distribution losses NEU (H) Non-energy use IND (I) Industry TRP (J) Transport HHS (K) Private households and Services SDF (L) Statistical differences PPR (M) Primary production OTS (N) Other sources Gross supply of energy products (primary table) 12 supply items Source: Eurostat – Energy Statistics PPR OTS IMP TRF-O 62 energy Commodities (18 subtotals) M N O P 5

Stage 2: USE sequence A B C D E F G H I J K L 6 OWN ESTIMATIONS Gross use of energy products (primary table) - Source: Eurostat – Energy Statistics STC EXP BNK TRF-I ETR ENG DL NEU IND TRP HHS SDF 62 energy products (18 subtotals) A B C D E F G H I J K L OWN ESTIMATIONS Data on Employment Monetary Use Tab. Other Data T1-t T1-r T1-b T2-t T2-r T2-b Emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use+ 44 En. Prod. Transformation (T1) Final use Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use + 44 En. Prod. Transformation (T2) Final use D-t D-b D-r Allocation Matrix A1 A3 A7 A9 Gross Use – Balance 9 items 3 items 44 En.Prod. Transformation Input D Exch. Transf. E Allocation Matrix A2 A4 A6 A8 A10 T3-t T3-b T3-r T4-t T4-b T4-r Emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use+ 44 En. Prod. Consumption energy sector (T3) Final use Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use + 44 En. Prod. Consumption energy sector (T4) F-t F-b F-r Gross Use – Balance 7 items 44 En.Prod. Consumption energy sector F T6-b T6-t T6-r Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use + 44 En. Prod. Non-energetic use (T6) Final use H-b H-t H-r Gross Use – Balance 2 items 44 En. Prod. Final non-energy consumption H T7-t T7-b T7-r T8-t T8-b T8-r Emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use+ 44 En. Prod. Industry and services (T7) Final use Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use + 44 En. Prod. Industry and services (T8) Final use V-t V-b V-r Gross Use – Balance 21 items 44 En.Prod. Industry HH+Serv. Dis. Losses Stock Ch. Exports Bunkers Stat. Diff. I K G A B C L T9-t T9-b T9-r Emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use+ 44 En. Prod. Transport (T9) Final use T10-b T10-t T10-r Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use + 44 En. Prod. Transport (T10) Final use Gross Use – Balance 4 items 44 En.Prod. Transport J Imp. from Bunk. J-t J-b J-r T11-t T11-b T11-r T12-t T12-b T12-r Emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use 44 En. Prod. Gross use of energy products (T11) = (T1+T3+T7+T9) Non-emission relevant use NACE A60+ Final use 44 En. Prod. Gross use of energy products (T12)=(T2+T4+T6+T8+T10) T13-t T13-b T13-r NACE A60+ Final use 44 En. Prod. Gross use of energy products (T13) = (T11 + T12) 6

Stage 3: SUPPLY sequence Gross supply of energy products (primary table) Source: Eurostat – Energy Statistics PPR OTS IMP TRF-O 62 energy products (18 subtotals) M N O P OWN ESTIMATIONS Monetary Supply Tab. Other Data T14-t T14-b T14-r Subtotal supply NACE A60+ Others 44 En. Prod. Transformation (T14) P-t P-b P-r Gross Supply – Balance 9 items 44 En.Prod. Transformation Output P Allocation Matrix A14 A15 A16 T15-t T15-b T15-r Subtotal supply NACE A60+ Others 44 En. Prod. Primary production (T15) Resour-ces M-t M-r M-b Gross Supply – Balance 1 item 44 En. Prod. Primary production M T16-t T16-b T16-r V2-t V2-b V2-r Subtotal supply NACE A60+ Others 44 En. Prod. Other sources (T16) Imports + Bunkers Gross Supply–Balance 2 items 44 En.Prod. Other sources Imports N O T17-t T17-b T17-r Total supply NACE A60+ Others 44 En. Prod. Gross supply of energy products (T17)=(T14+T15+T16) Imports, Bunkers, Res., etc 7

Gross use of energy products Net use of energy products Stage 4 Net energy use T13-t T13-b T13-r T18-t T18-b T18-r T14-t T14-b T14-r NACE A60+ Final use+ 44 En. Prod. Gross use of energy products (T13) Final use NACE A60+ Final use+ (1 row) Net use of energy products (T18) = (T13) - (T14) Final use Subtotal supply NACE A60+ Others 44 En. Prod. Transformation (T14) Column sums (NACE A60+) = Column sums (NACE A60+) + _ 8

Questions & discussion 6-7 May 2010