Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum A Common Student Issue Failing to timely notify of disability status and need for accommodation Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Basic Rule A university cannot discriminate for failing to accommodate what it does not know Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Risk of Doing Too Much Over-accommodation Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum How Faculty May Help Use a syllabus statement To encourage students to register with the Office of Accessibility Services Understand the campus’ policies and procedures And follow these Advanced planning between faculty and the Office of Accessibility Services may be necessary to ensure equal access Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Accommodation Analysis Nexus exists between condition and requested accommodation Accommodation is necessary to permit equal opportunity Supported by documentation Accommodation is appropriate Does not compromise program expectations/technical standards Does not impose undue burden Does not give student unfair advantage Does not fundamentally alter the course/program Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Student Expectations You are a Professor in the Psychology Department. Your class is highly interactive and students are expected to make oral presentations to the class. Faye advises you that she is highly anxious and cannot possibly stand in front of a class and speak. She hands you a personal note from her treating therapist, someone you know from your personal life whom you respect. How would you handle Faye’s situation? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Tests Why is a university obligated to provide test accommodations? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Test Administration Tests should be designed to accurately reflect a student’s aptitude or achievement level rather than impairment Unless these skills are the factors the test purports to measure Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Testing What role are you asked to play in facilitating a “distraction-reduced” testing environment? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Other Accommodations Felix is diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome His documentation suggests that he be absolved from working on group projects due to his social communication difficulties and not to be called on in class Felix is enrolled in your course How can you accommodate Felix? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Audio-Visual Raul has a hearing impairment and is enrolled in a course utilizing film and multimedia What kinds of implications would Raul’s enrollment present to you? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
More Time for everything? A student enrolled in your course is requesting extended time for assignments, papers, group projects Is the request reasonable? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum And what about . . . Trigger warnings? Eva is diagnosed with PTSD and is enrolled in a psychology course She requests that as the professor you prohibit discussions, readings, videos, etc., dealing with sexual assault. How should you respond? What if she says, okay, how about I leave the class, I am not tested on such content or have to participate in any such course content? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Class Discussions How do you handle a student who fairly regularly “takes over” your classroom discussion but insists you are harassing him due to his ADHD? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Behavior Jenny is diagnosed with ADHD. She says she has it under control, has learned coping strategies and needs no medication. She is enrolled in the School of Education and shares a lot about her experience working with students with disabilities in the field. You observed on her Facebook page that she has described some fairly personal details about a student from her student teaching and that student’s parents. How would you handle this discovery? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Study Abroad Jacob, who is blind, is interested in a travel abroad experience. Do you have concerns about Jacob’s plans? If so, how would you address your concerns? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Hidden ADA Barriers Access to Information Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Instructional access In your highly interactive course, you are using some of the following instructional media: Streaming videos Chat rooms for interactive discussions outside the classroom Electronic bulletin boards for posting information to students Internet-based applications for tutoring and homework Flipped classrooms What potential barriers could your choice of digital media interaction present for some students with disabilities? Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum The “Kindle” Standard Students with disabilities must be afforded “the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services” as nondisabled students, with “substantially equivalent ease of use” Sample from Case Western College settlement agreement with Department of Justice, available at: http://www.ada.gov/case_western_univ.htm The government’s position now is that this standard applies to all “emerging technologies” Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum Faculty Guidance Remember – Accessibility Services is a resource for you: If you question the appropriateness of an accommodation If you do not understand what the accommodation means (e.g., “preferential seating”) If you are unsure how to accommodate If you need assistance with an accommodation If you are working with a student with a type of disability new to your instructional design, e.g., a student who is blind Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum
Goucher College 2018 - Drummond Woodsum