Figure 4 Treatment plans using stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) or charged-particle therapy (CPT) for two patients with NSCLC Figure 4 | Treatment plans using stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) or charged-particle therapy (CPT) for two patients with NSCLC. Patient one is more likely to benefit from CPT than from SBRT owing to the large integral dose necessary to treat multiple lesions with X-rays. Conversely, patient two is more likely to benefit from SBRT than from CPT owing to the small size of the lesion (1.6 cm3) and its location in a central region of the lung, which would result in a larger planning target volume (PTV) with CPT than with SBRT (32 cm3 versus 7.7 cm3). The clinical target volume contour is outlined in white. Image part of an in silico trial for comparison of SBRT and CPT with carbon ions72, modified from Anderle, K. et al. In silico comparison of photons versus carbon ions in single fraction therapy of lung cancer. Phys. Medica 32, 1118–1123 (2016), with permission from Elsevier. Image part of an in silico trial for comparison of SBRT and CPT with carbon ions72, modified from Anderle, K. et al. In silico comparison of photons versus carbon ions in single fraction therapy of lung cancer. Phys. Medica 32, 1118–1123 (2016c), with permission from Elsevier. Durante, M. et al. (2017) Charged-particle therapy in cancer: clinical uses and future perspectives Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. doi:10.1038/nrclinonc.2017.30