A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Analyzing Pictures throughout History
DIRECTIONS Using a blank, white sheet of paper, draw your first day of 7th grade or one of your favorite memories You MUST: Draw everything– NO words, NO numbers, ONLY PICTURES!! Be accurate: show how you felt that day, what you did, who you saw, and what you did after school Include at least 7 images. Add color to ALL of them!
DIRECTIONS Switch papers with one person at your table Using the other person’s drawing, you MUST: Write 3 facts about that person’s drawing based on their drawing. For example: “Based on this person’s drawing, they…” Write 2 questions you have about that person’s drawing For example: “Based on _________, I wonder if this person…?”
What EVIDENCE do pictures or images give us about the past What EVIDENCE do pictures or images give us about the past? What EVIDENCE are we missing?