WW II Events Three Presidents Cold War Crisis Reformers Depression 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Row 1---100 Question Group of middle class reformers who sought to improve society in the early part of the 1900’s.
Row 1---100 Answer Progressives
Row 1---200 Question Idea that you should help those that are less fortunate than you. This was practiced by such groups as the Salvation Army and the settlement House movement.
Row 1---200 Answer Social Gospel
Row 1---300 Question Name given to the investigative journalists of the Progressive era who tried to show the corruption and greed that was affecting the nation.
Row 1---300 Answer Muckrakers
Row 1---400 Question Muckraker who wrote about “the History of Standard Oil” and exposed the harsh business practices of John D. Rockefeller.
Row 1---400 Answer Ida Tarbell
Row 1---500 Question Wrote a book called the “Jungle” to call attention to the lives of immigrants. However the book did bring attention to the horrible conditions found in the nation’s food industry.
Row 1---500 Answer Upton Sinclair
Row 2---100 Question Elected President in 1928 after years of economic success in the U.S. Predicted the end of poverty. Was President when the Depression began. Believed in Rugged Individualism and refused direct relief to the poor.
Row 2---100 Answer Herbert Hoover
Row 2---200 Question October 29, 1929. Signaled the Financial collapse of the nation. Seen as a beginning point of the Great Depression.
Row 2---200 Answer Stock Market Crash
Row 2---300 Question Belief of Herbert Hoover’s that the government should not give direct aid to the poor because it would destroy the person pride and their belief in hard work.
Row 2---300 Answer Rugged Individualism
Row 2---400 Question Protestors who came to Washington to ask Congress to pay a WW I payment to veterans earlier than promised because of the Depression. Congress refused and the protestors were dispersed by the U.S. military.
Row 2---400 Answer Bonus Army
Row 2---500 Question American President during the Depression and WW II who started the New Deal programs and promised to help relieve the suffering of the poor during the Depression. Elected to Four terms as President. -
Row 2---500 Answer Franklin Roosevelt
Place where the first atomic bomb was dropped in August, 1945 Row 3---100 Question Place where the first atomic bomb was dropped in August, 1945
Row 3---100 Answer Hiroshima
Row 3---200 Question Secret government project that led to the construction of the atomic bomb.
Row 3---200 Answer Manhattan Project
Row 3---300 Question Name of the world organization formed at the end of WW II that is located in New York.
Row 3---300 Answer United Nations
Row 3---400 Question Fictional character that represented the importance that women have played in our effort to fight WW II as they replaced men in all forms of factory work.
Row 3---400 Answer Rosie the Riveter
Row 3---500 Question This is when the population of Japanese American in the Western U.S. were forced into detention camps because of the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Decision was challenged in Court, but the Court supported the efforts of the government.
Row 3---500 Answer Japanese Internment
Row 4---100 Question Name given to the JFK administration policies that challenged the nation to move into the future. Containment, Civil Rights and Space exploration were some of the goals of the program.
Row 4---100 Answer New Frontier
Row 4---200 Question Name of Lyndon B. Johnson’s program to help the U.S. to fight evils of our society, namely poverty, discrimination, unemployment, and poor education.
Row 4---200 Answer Great Society
Row 4---300 Question Policy of Nixon to return control of many government programs to state and local government rather than national government control.
Row 4---300 Answer New Federalism
Row 4---400 Question Name of the crisis that forced President Nixon to resign as President of the U.S.
Row 4---400 Answer Watergate
Row 4---500 Question Law passed after the Vietnam War which limits the President’s ability to send troops into battle without the approval of Congress.
Row 4---500 Answer War Powers Act
Row 5---100 Question Failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban nationalist exiles trying to oust Fidel Castro. The exiles had U.S. help and were completely defeated. Great embarrassment to the Kennedy Administration.
Row 5---100 Answer Bay of Pigs
Row 5---200 Question National crisis of 1962 when the U.S. discovered nuclear missiles being placed in Cuba by the USSR. Led to a near war with the USSR
Row 5---200 Answer Cuban Missile Crisis
Row 5---300 Question Group begun by JFK that was composed of volunteers who went to under developed nations and tried to help the people there improve their lives.
Row 5---300 Answer Peace Corps
Row 5---400 Question This symbol of communism was constructed in 1961 to prevent travel and communication between the east and west parts of Berlin.
Row 5---400 Answer Berlin Wall
Row 5---500 Question Resolution that asked the U.S. Congress for permission to retaliate against North Vietnam for attacks against U.S. vessels in the waters near Vietnam. LBJ issued the Resolution and soon thereafter escalated the war in Vietnam.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Row 5---500 Answer Gulf of Tonkin Resolution