Sunrise. Sunset.
Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. – Robert Frost
Sunrise, Sunset Project As Ponyboy observed early on, a sunset is something both the Greasers and the Socs can share. However, everyone has their own “feeling” and focal-point even with the same sunset. Both Johnny and Pony saw the sunrise from the church, yet Johnny focused on the mist while Pony focused on the clouds and horizon.
Sunrise, Sunset Project Your task is to share YOUR sunrise or sunset. You can draw it, paint it, photo it, etc. You can write a descriptive essay (250 words), a poem (15-21 lines), or video monologue (5 minutes) Be as creative as possible (points for neatness, etc. Personalize your view – you are the only one to see it like that. WAY TO BE UNIQUE!!
Sunrise, Sunset Project You will have two weeks to: Observe, locate, and find a scene that “speaks” to you Capture it in visual representation Write/Speak about it (draft-to-final) Present it
Sunrise, Sunset Project What’s this worth? Far more than the points will ever tell. Artistic Effort: 50 Written Effort: 50 Due 3/17-19/10