ACT Q.O.D. #56 lunes-martes 20-11 diciembre 2018 DATO-Biología: Escribe en español: My socks are red, white, and black. My shirt is yellow and light blue. ACT Q.O.D. #56 lunes-martes 20-11 diciembre 2018 The liver is the largest internal organ, and is the only one that can regenerate itself. ESPAÑOL 2-4 ¡CARPETAS GRATIS! PROJECT MATERIALS/100+ AVERAGE: ON TIME: C. (1-4)/D. (ODD) LATE: B. (ALL)/C. (ALL)
ACT Q.O.D. #56 lunes-martes 10-11 diciembre 2018 DATO-Biología: Escribe en español: My socks are red, white, and black. My shirt is yellow and light blue. ACT Q.O.D. #56 lunes-martes 10-11 diciembre 2018 The liver is the largest internal organ, and is the only one that can regenerate itself. ESPAÑOL 1 ¡CARPETAS GRATIS! PROJECT MATERIAL ON TIME: C. (EVEN)/D. (1-4) LATE: B. (ALL)/C. (ALL)
Why should you study a foreign language? ¿POR QUÉ DEBES ESTUDIAR UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA?- (WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?) Why should you study a foreign language? 2. Your math and English grades may improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. Your communication skills will drastically improve. You will become more tolerant of different people from different cultures. Your math and English grades will improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. The study of a foreign tongue (language) improves your skills in your native language.
Why should you study a foreign language? ¿POR QUÉ DEBES ESTUDIAR UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA?- (WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?) Why should you study a foreign language? 3. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money! Your communication skills will drastically improve. You will become more tolerant of different people from different cultures. Your math and English grades will improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. The study of a foreign tongue (language) improves your skills in your native language.
¿POR QUÉ DEBES ESTUDIAR UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA?- (WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?) Why should you study a foreign language? 3. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money! Today’s Objectives The learner will: Answer higher-order thinking questions correctly in the target language. Your communication skills will drastically improve. You will become more tolerant of different people from different cultures. Your math and English grades will improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. The study of a foreign tongue (language) improves your skills in your native language.
¿POR QUÉ DEBES ESTUDIAR UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA?- (WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?) Why should you study a foreign language? 3. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money! Today’s Objectives The learner will: Analyze biographical information of a celebrity (i.e. date of birth/death, origin) in the target language (Spanish). Your communication skills will drastically improve. You will become more tolerant of different people from different cultures. Your math and English grades will improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. The study of a foreign tongue (language) improves your skills in your native language.
Tell of ongoing and continuous actions using the present progressive. ¿POR QUÉ DEBES ESTUDIAR UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA?- (WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY A FOREIGN LANGUAGE?) Why should you study a foreign language? 3. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money! Today’s Objectives 3. The learner will: Tell of ongoing and continuous actions using the present progressive. Your communication skills will drastically improve. You will become more tolerant of different people from different cultures. Your math and English grades will improve, due to the use of analytical (problem-solving) skills required. You will become more valuable in the marketplace, hence, you will earn more money. Foreign language study enhances listening skills and memory. The study of a foreign tongue (language) improves your skills in your native language.
HORAS: TODAS CLASES ACROSS ONLY! AYUDA PARA TU CRUCIGRAMA 3. embarazada 4. uniforme 9. corbata 11. impermeable 12. rico 40. valiente
B. LAS ESTRELLAS (1-14) 29 November 1988/Cincinnati, OH/29 years old 1. ¿Cuándo es la fecha de nacimiento de Russell Wilson 2. ¿Adónde nació él? ¿Cuántos años tiene él? ¿Cuál es su posición? ¿Adónde se creció él? ¿Está viviendo o muerto su padre? ¿Cuándo se murió él? ¿Cómo se murió él? ¿Cómo se llama su marida? ¿Cuándo se casaron Russell y Ciara? ¿Adónde se casaron ellos? ¿Cómo se llama su hija? ¿Cuál es la fecha de nacimiento de su hija? ¿Cuántas mascotas tienen ellos? ¿Cómo se llaman sus perros? ¿Cuánto dinero ganó él el año pasado? 29 November 1988/Cincinnati, OH/29 years old Quarterback/Richmond, VA/Deceased, he died on 9 June 2010 from diabetes Ciara/6 July 2016/England/Sienna Princess Wilson/28 April 2017 2 dogs/Prince & Naomi $120 million