AMP Key Slides
World Leading Methodology comScore (Respondent level data-file: fused PC & mobile panels) AMP survey 35,000 sample in home interviews Fusion Digital panel 5000 ‘light’ tracker app The methodology combines the latest passive measurement techniques with high quality face to face sampling which will provide us with single source data to give improved estimates of overall reach and duplication 35,000 face to face interviews provide information on demographics and print readership Interviewers then recruit 5,000 of this sample to download software which passively measures the consumption of published media on all devices. This duplication data is then applied to UKOM approved, comScore digital audience estimates to provide a single, reliable cross platform estimate Duplications
AMP Benefits
AMP Features Random probability sample Print first questionnaire 32,000 face to face in home interview 35,000 face to face in home interview Random probability sample Print first questionnaire Brand first questionnaire No digital panel Digital panel providing single source data for duplication No questions on attitude/engagement Questions on attitude/engagement Fusion with comScore Quarterly data