OBJECTIVES IAW TASK COX-02-01: State basic construction and design features of the boat
Hull Design 5456 marine grade aluminum Deep -V planing hull from bow to stern
Full Load Displacement 40,000 lbs
Frames Frames are numbered from stern to bow in roughly 30” intervals (Fr. #1 through Fr. #17) BHD 1 BHD 5 BHD 8 BHD 10 BHD 15 FRM 17
Overall Length 47'11"
Freeboard Bow 6'8" Lowest point 26"
Beam 14 Feet
Draft 4’ 6”
Highest Fixed Point Above Waterline 18’ 6”
Highest Point Of Mast 24’ 6”
Highest Point (HF Antenna) 28’ 4”
Forepeak Located between frame 15 and the bow
Forward Compartment Located between frames 10 and 15
Auxiliary Machinery Space Located between frames 8 and 10
Survivors Compartment & Gear Space Located between frames 5 and 8
Engineroom Located between frames 1 and 5
Lazarette Located from frame 1 to stern
Enclosed Steering Station Located between frames 8 and 11
Open Steering Station Located between frames 4 and 8
Bouyancy Boxes All Bouyancy Boxes are completely watertight
End of 47’ MLB Characteristics Any Questions???