Tuesday Warm-Up: How Puritan Are You? & FEAR Journal 1) Take the “quiz” to see how Puritan you are. 2) On the back, respond to the following journal prompt: What is fear? How is fear a good thing? How is fear a bad thing? How does fear connect to power? How does fear relate to the Puritans? Tuesday Warm-Up: How Puritan Are You? & FEAR Journal
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBZfLP3EtWI&t=791s Link to Audio Recording “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards
“Students in the Hands of an Angry Principal” You may write this collaboratively if you would like to (or work alone if you prefer). Please pay attention to the requirements for the prompt. Before you turn it in, be sure to identify the rhetorical devices you use. “Students in the Hands of an Angry Principal”
What fear can teach us: https://www.ted.com/talks/ka ren_thompson_walker_what_ fear_can_teach_us TED Talk Tuesday