National Food Chain Safety Office President Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer Presidential Secretariat Internal Audit Directorate System Management and Supervision Directorate Food Safety Risk Assessment Directorate Priority Cases Directorate Deputy Prestindent for Animal Breeding and Plant Cultivation Deputy President for Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Deputy President for Economy Deputy President for Plant Protection, Soil and Forest Conservation Directorate for Foresty Directorate for Food and Feed Safety Directorate for Animal Health and Animal Welfare Directorate for Animal Breeding Directorate for lant Protection, Soil Conservation and Agri-Environment Directorate for Oneology and Alcoholic Beverages Directorate for Veterinary Diangostics Directorate for Plant Production and Horticulture How is NÉBIH structured as a government body? NÉBIH operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture. The head of NÉBIH is the President, who is also the Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer of Hungary. There are 4 deputy presidents under the President and there are 10 Professional Directorates under the 4 deputy presidents. The 10 Professional Directorates cover the whole food chain from farm to table. The investigation of foodborne deseases belongs to one of the Departments of the Food and Feed Safety Directorate. NÉBIH is the national/central competent authority. It excercises professional supervision over local competent authorities. Local competent authorities operate within the 19 County Government Offices and are directed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice. The 19 County Government Offices supervise the work of all District Offices. District Offices have large autonomy. The Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Units of the District Offices are headed by the District Veterinarians. Directorate for Agriculture Directorate for Veterinary Medicinal Products 1 Central and 19 County Government Offices LOCAL LEVEL District Offices LOCAL LEVEL Department for Food Chain Safety Food Safety and Animal Health Units