Barry Ryan & Clive May , QUT’s Your Future Careers Team
Introduction The Importance of Careers Navigating Available Resources Career Goal Pathways Question and Answer session Barry’s introduction - words and NVBs - matching? Barry role-playing body language ACTIVITY: Write down answers to cards
Career Planning Process
Career Planning How to think about your career: What do I want? Who am I? How do I get it? Career Planning How to think about your career: Know yourself and the key influences on your career choices and decisions Research & evaluate your options Choose a direction, set goals, create and action plan Identify potential barriers and build in contingency plans Regularly monitor, review, and adjust if required Maintain flexibility and openness Career Decision Making We are now our own Career Managers Our careers will involve choices and with choices we have decisions You have already made at least one career decision – completing your Cert IV in ATP. To be successful Career Managers you will need to develop skills that will allow you to identify, own and manage your own career concerns.
Systems Theory Framework By Wendy Patton & Mary McMahon Influences: Interests, values, personal style, self-esteem, skills, abilities, age, gender, ……..… Family, friends, peers, social group Finances (e.g., goals, commitments) Where you live Labour market, world of work, technology Political climate Your past, present, future Chance factors
Self Assessment Myfuture Interests Activity Careerone Personality Test Job Outlook Career Quiz HumanMetrics Career Assessment Holland's Career Interest Party Game Test your Motivation Clarifying your Life Values a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J
Career Options and Pathways For ‘Occupations’ information on job duties and skills – go to For careers and labour market research information got to Job Outlook - a site to help you decide on your future career Job Guide – for details of jobs a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J
Job Search Skills - Enhance your competitive edge in the job market Career planning Exploring the Hidden Job Market Writing effective resumes Interview skills CRICOS No. 00213J
Contact Us real Your Future Careers Team QUT Caboolture Building J Tel: 07 5316 7666 Email: a university for the real world R CRICOS No. 00213J
QUESTIONS? real a university for the world Any questions? CRICOS No. 00213J