Bush Clinton Bush Obama Trump US PRESIDENTS Bush Clinton Bush Obama Trump
GEORGE H. W. BUSH 1989-1993 Economic problems due to high budget deficit Recession and job loss by 1992 Savings and Loan Scandal Due to misuse of funds Bailed out by tax money Supreme Court appointments (2) David Souter, 1990 Clarence Thomas, 1991 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Illegal to discriminate based in disabilities
Foreign Policy Cold War ended in 1991 Invasion of Panama – due to drug issues Noriega brought to US for trial Persian Gulf War, 1991 Operation Desert Storm Bosnia Milosevic carried out ethnic cleansing Bosnia Serbs targeted by non-Serbs
Bosnia Recognized as independent state in 1992 Muslim majority/Serb (Christian) minority at 32% Milosevic (leader of Serbia) Invades to protect Serbs Begins ethnic cleansing No real response outside of comdenation from US or UN
WILLIAM CLINTON 1993-2001 Health Care Reform proposed – failed Economic Prosperity – longest period of economic growth in the history of the US Madeleine Albright – Sec. of State Impeachment, Dec. 1998 - acquitted
Foreign Policy Middle East – Israeli/Palestinian talks Bosnia – Part of NATO massive bombing targeting Serbian artillery Kosovo – part of Milosevic ethnic cleansing. NATO/US response Haiti – US troops acted to restore government Global Economy NAFTA EU WTO
GEORGE W. BUSH Economic recession – by 2008, worst since the Great Depression No Child Left Behind Violence in schools – gun debate Immigration issues – illegal immigration Social Security proposals
Foreign Policy Sept. 11 Middle East – no solutions War in Iraq – Operation Iraqi Freedom Afghanistan – Taliban North Korea Iran – Nuclear weapons threat Africa – AIDS; Darfur
BARRACK OBAMA 2009-2017 Economic bailouts Health care reform Infrastructure repair Illegal immigration Social Security/Medicare
Foreign Policy Iraq Afghanistan Middle East North Korea
How has the Presidency changed from the time of Washington?