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Mrs. Crouch Biology 1 Honors Graphing Rancho High School
Why Do We Use Graphs? To present facts in a visual format To compare data
Types of Graphs Line Graph Used to show a trend or change Most Common! Line Graph Used to show a trend or change How does this variable change?
Types of Graphs Bar Graph Counting Items Bar Graph How are these variables different from each other? Shows differences between similar things
Types of Graphs Pie or Circle Graph Least Common Pie or Circle Graph What portion of the total does this part make up? Shows percentages (%)
Graphing Rules Use a title that describes the graph Ex: Temperature over Time Label the X & Y Axis What are you plotting & the units! X (horizontal) Axis = independent variable Y (vertical) Axis = dependent variable
Graphing Rules Plot the data carefully. Use Pencil! Go over with color when finished. Make a Key or Legend so that others can read your graph ALWAYS use Graph Paper!
Questions? Comments?
Practice! Complete the practice graphs & include them in your I.N. Remember: graphs are a GREAT thing to put on the LEFT side of your I.N.