Muslim Contributions - Foldable Mrs. Tucker 7th Grade World History/Honors Cobalt Institute of Math and Science
Muslim Contributions Math Invented Algebra Borrowed Hindu Symbols 0 – 9 They Became Known As “Arabic Numerals” Literature Rewrote Greek, Persian, and Indian works in Arabic Saved much of the learning from the Ancient World “The Thousand and One Arabian Nights” Omar Khayyam – Poet “Rubaiyat” IBN KHALDUN
Muslim Contributions, Continued Art Used designs wrapped around with flowers, leaves, and stars-decorated rugs, books, walls, and buildings. Mosques with Minarets Palaces Examples: Alhambra in Granada Taj Mahal Science Perfected the Greek Astrolabe – Used to Determine Location at Sea; Also used to measure size and distance around the earth Discovered how blood circulates Realized earth was round Founders of Chemistry How disease spread