Oil Pans with Full Circumference Clamping Plates for ISB6 Oil Pans with Full Circumference Clamping Plates for ISB6.7 Bus Applications ISB6.7 2010 and ISB6.7 2013 OP 9655 and OP 9655 RPS Project # MSUS-8YQH46
Project Scope Change Summary: Full perimeter clamping plates will be added to oil pans used on bus applications. The OP option on the engine specs for bus applications will need to be changed. Bus fuel ratings will only be compatible with oil pans with full perimeter clamping plates. Background: To increase the residual cap screw torque and break away torque on the cap screws used to attach the oil pan to the engine. Implementation Strategy and Date: Fix as fails for engines built before plant implementation. Plant Implementation February 25, 2015
Option Change Table Current Options New Options OP9655 (front sump) OP9656 (rear sump) OP9858 (rear sump) Cummins Confidential
Introduction/ Background Scope: Address oil leaks from oil pan gasket joint on ISB Summary: Oil leaks at random locations around oil pan. Leak may only appear as a wet or damp spot; will not necessarily form a drip Cummins Confidential * - Appendix for supplier related issues (slide # 64)
Current Design: Oil pan with corner clamping plates Current Option: OP9655 3978710 3978711
Proposed Design: Oil pan with full perimeter, double thickness, clamping plates Proposed Option: OP9858 5331708 5331707
Current product 3978710 (4.76 mm) clamping plates compared to proposed 5331707 (9.52 mm.) clamping plate. Current product 3978710 (4.76 mm) Proposed plate 5331707 (9.52 mm.)