General information and lab rules 1st year physics laboratories University of Ottawa - Brightspace Lab website
INTRODUCTION Introduction of your lab demonstrator (TA) Attendence will be taken at the beginning of the session. If a student is not on the list, the student should go to the service counter at STM 377 right away.
LAB ORGANIZATION Students work alone or in pairs (1 or 2, not 3!) Students share data collection duties but all students MUST WRITE AND SUBMIT THEIR OWN LAB REPORT! Lab report templates are found on the laboratory Brightspace site ( STUDENTS MUST PRINT OUT THE TEMPLATES BEFORE COMING TO LAB! The weight of each question is shown on the template. You may reproduce the template by hand if you do not have a printed copy. It must be neat.
LAB ORGANIZATION 5 labs total on a two week schedule Each meeting is 2 hours, 50 minutes. Some reports are take-home and are due after one week at 5 pm: The drop box is in the central corridor of STM 3rd floor, south tower. It is not the same one for the course. Some reports are written in-lab and are due at the end of the lab session.
LAB ORGANIZATION Labs are worth 20% of your final course mark. Check “My grades” in Brightspace for the breakdown. Sample evaluation (PHY 1121) Exp. 0: 7% (General information test: 0.5%, Measuring techniques test: 2.5%, Error propagation test: 3%, Repeated Measurements test: 1%) Exp. 1: 17% (report: 17%) Exp. 2: 19% (pre-lab test: 2%, report: 17%) Exp. 3: 19% (pre-lab test: 2%, report: 17%) Exp. 4: 19% (pre-lab test: 2%, report: 17%) Exp. 5: 19% (pre-lab test: 2%, report: 17%)
PRE-LAB TESTS For experiments 2, 3, 4, and 5 (and 1 for PHY1322): The completion of these tests is not mandatory to attend the lab sessions but they are used to calculate your final lab mark. Pre-labs are available until 30 minutes before the beginning of the lab session (e.g., until 12:30 pm for a lab at 1 pm). Once you start a pre-lab test, you have 1 hour to finish it. You can complete the pre-lab tests up to 10 times until the deadline. Only your highest mark will be recorded. Don’t wait until the last minute, there will be no extension or make-up test for students experiencing technical problems at the last minute!
LAB RULES AND REGULATIONS Labs begin at 10:00 am and 2:30 pm, sharp. Students that are more than 20 minutes late will not be allowed to participate in the lab session. Take-home reports are due one week after the lab session at 5 pm. Late penalty: 10% for 1 day late. 20% for 2 days late. A mark of 0 will be given if more than 2 days late. If you drop off your report after 5 pm the day it is due, it is considered late. In-lab reports are due at the end of your lab session (12:50 pm / 5:20 pm). Your TA may refuse to mark your lab if it is not handed in by the deadline. ALL uOttawa plagiarism regulations apply towards your lab reports!
LAB RULES AND REGULATIONS Safety: Please wear closed-toe shoes (high risk of dropped objects). Lab coats and safety goggles are not required. Students should leave their personal belongings on the books at the back of the classroom. Only bring what you need to perform the lab to you workstation. No eating or drinking in the labs. Please respect the lab equipment. The sensors you use are expensive! Students are expected to clean up their stations before leaving the lab.
MISSING A LAB… If you know you will be unable to attend a regular lab session, please contact the lab personnel by email: or go to the service the counter at STM 377 to schedule a make-up lab. This must be done as far in advance as possible. Absence from any lab session due to illness must be justified. Students should make arrangements with the laboratory staff DURING THE WEEK FOLLOWING A MISSED LAB SESSION. If students cannot come in person, they should at least email the coordinator within that period to explain their situation. Any missed lab without a medical certificate can not be redone. Missing a lab due to misreading the schedule or other course obligations is unacceptable.