Jacek Ostrowski Head of Unit
Poland – key facts and figures Territory – 312,685 km2 Population – 38,17 million Unemployment – 14,9 % (X 2006) - highest in whole EU GDP growth – 5,5% (Q2 of 2006) Full member of the EU since 1st of May 2004
ESF in Poland 2004 - 2006 Since 2004 (in september 2006 – over 6000 projects and over 1 000 000 ultimate beneficiaries) Few years of experiences in implementation of Phare projects Structural Funds for Poland – 8 275, 8 mln Euro European Social Fund - 1 908,5 mln Euro for co-financing: Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2004-2006 (SOP HRD); Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2004-2006 (IROP) – Priority II concerning human resources development in regions; EQUAL Community Initiative Programme.
Information & Publicity Potential project providers Project providers Ultimate beneficiaries Media & society
Most important rules: Audio-visual (preferably) Direct Up-to-date Reliable Experience-based Audio-visual (preferably)
Publications & gadgets
AUDIO, VIDEO, INTERACTIVE… & … straight to your office/home
www.efs.gov.pl Average 70.000 Visitors/ per month
From Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (cost =local phone call) ESF – INFO - line Confused ??? ESF – info: 0 801 EFS 801 0 801 337 801 From Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (cost =local phone call)
„ESF – best practieces” movie Movie ESF – best practices” one project from SOP HRD, ERDF and EQUAL – 50 minuts 30 sek. short commercial EFS 35 000 CD, DVD and VHS
„ESF Base of knowledge” CD-ROM with all informations about ESF including law regulations, procedures, examples of projects, addresses, contact points, examples of „Good Practices” Edition: 150 000 CDs Almost 40 000 sent direct to individual potencial project providers by mail with a letter from Minister of Regional Development
Close to the people…
National conference www.konferencja-efs.pl 27th March – National Conference „Development of Human Resources – experience of implementation of European Social Fund” Over 1000 participants! www.konferencja-efs.pl
„Consultation of new ESF programme for 2007-2013” Regional conferences 22 Regional Conferences (march 06 – september 06) „Development of Human Resources – experience of implementation of European Social Fund” 35 Regional Conferences (July 06 – October 060 „Consultation of new ESF programme for 2007-2013” Organized by MA with cooperation of regional authorities and social partners
National & Regional Training Institutes for European Social Fund Since Q1 2004 Two editions (23 & 32 RTIs) Since Q1 2007 – about 50 RTIs The network of training centers complements the activities of so called information boards within structures of Implementing Authorities for each measure RTIs support potential project providers as well as those, who already received grants
Objective: Inspiration (identifying problems on the local labour market and ways to solve them on a local level, establishing local partnerships supporting labour market, local development). To extend knowledge on local labour market problem solving, disseminate best practices concerning application of the labour and education tools. To complement knowledge on procedures in force, administrative and financial requirements of ESF, formal and legal requirements of project application and implementation in scope of alternating legal and programming documents requirements. To extend knowledge and skills connected with project implementation i.e. project management, financial management, analytical accounting, reporting and so on.
Tasks: Training courses concerning ESF project preparation. Specialized training courses concerning directly or indirectly ESF support issues (labour market issues, activation of the unemployed, prevention of social exclusion, life long learning and issues connected with legal aspects, public support and public procurement). Guidance - direct guidance for project providers who plan to apply for the ESF funds or have already obtained the grant and require guidance on project implementation.