CCE Week 6 Agendas
October 2, 2018 - Agenda Digital Citizenship Continues: Lesson #3: Overexposed -- Sexting & Romantic Relationships Define “Sexting” Watch & Discuss Video Work through handout & Discuss together If time is leftover: read or work on assignments for other classes. (If you don’t have a book, try borrowing one from the classroom library.) Essential Question: What are the risks and responsibilities when you share online in a relationship?
“Sexting” - Some Statistics How frequently do you think teens send sexually explicit images? Teens who say they have sent or posted a sexually revealing photo or video: 20% of all teens 22% of teen girls 18% of teen boys Statistics are from a 2011 Study in Psychology Today - Do you think they might be different now, seven years later? If yes, how so?
“Sexting” - Statistics Continued How frequently do you think teens send sexually explicit verbal messages? Teens that have sent sexually suggestive messages: 39% of all teens 37% of teen girls 40% of teen boys 48% admit to receiving suggestive messages Statistics are from a 2011 Study in Psychology Today - Do you think they might be different now, seven years later? If yes, how so?
“Sexting” - Statistics Continued How frequently do you think teens forward sexually explicit images or words? Who teens are sending sexually suggestive images and messages to: 71% of teen girls and 67% of teen boys have shared sexual messages or pictures with a boyfriend/girlfriend. 21% of teen girls and 39% of teen boys have shared sexual messages or pictures with someone that they were interested in or wanted to hook up with. 15% of teens have admitted to sending or posing nude or semi-nude pictures to someone they knew online. 1 in 5 sext receivers say they have forwarded it on to another person ( Statistics are from a 2011 Study in Psychology Today - Do you think they might be different now, seven years later? If yes, how so?
“Sexting” - Student Quote #1 Sexually suggestive images sent to the privacy of the phone have become a form of relationship currency: “When I was about 14-15 years old, I received/sent these types of pictures. Boys usually ask for them or start that type of conversation. My boyfriend, or someone I really liked asked for them. And I felt like if I didn’t do it, they wouldn't continue to talk to me. At the time, it was no big deal. But now looking back it was definitely inappropriate and over the line.” - Senior Girl (PEW Research Center 2011
“Sexting” - Student Quote #2 Another senior high school girl wrote about the pressure on girls to share such images: “I haven’t, but most of the girls who have are usually pressured by a guy that they like or want to like them, or their boyfriends. It’s probably more common than what it seems because most people who get involved in this were probably pressured by someone to do it.” - Senior Girl (PEW Research Center 2011
Ally’s Story - Second Thoughts on Sexting
Discuss Ally’s Story - Second Thoughts on Sexting Why did Ally share the picture? Why did Ally’s boyfriend forward the picture? How might Ally have felt when she found out? What did Ally later realize?
OVEREXPOSED - Work through Student Handout
Ways to Avoid Sexting Use humor: “Ha! Ha! Real funny!” Stress your discomfort: “I’m way too uncomfortable doing that.” Emphasize feelings: “If you really cared about me, you wouldn’t ask me to do that.” Change the subject: “Um, let’s do something else, okay?”
Healthy Ways to Strengthen/Build Relationships Online Write a text or IM telling the person you are thinking of him/her/them. Plan a special date, then text your partner clues about date. Spend time online together, but only share really private stuff when together.